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Example sentences for "ruling class"

  • The preliminary work of empire-building has been accomplished--territory has been conquered; peoples have been subjected and a ruling class organized.

  • Land Ownership and Liberty The owners of American wealth have been molded gradually into a ruling class.

  • Here are conquered territory; subject peoples; an imperial, ruling class, and the exploitation by that class of the people at home and abroad.

  • They, too, feel that if the war is not levied against individuals, neither is it levied against a mere abstract system, but against a ruling class.

  • The book says: "History teaches us that through evolution, through natural developments alone, no ruling class in society has ever been deposed from its power.

  • If we add the probable factor of an Etruscan element, Rome is to be conceived as standing for a ruling class of more various faculty than was to be found in any of the rival communities singly.

  • It was impossible that the revenues thus acquired by the cities should fail in that age to enrich the patrician or ruling class, no matter how revolutions might alter its membership.

  • Originally conceived as an effort to accommodate commercial disputes between the States, it had been urged to adoption by a minority, under the concerted and aggressive leadership of able men representing a ruling class.

  • The effect of establishing the supremacy of this branch of the government was to make the legal profession virtually a ruling class.

  • Our new society is jealous of attempts to establish any sort of ruling class, and the surest way to discredit yourself is to advocate any form of barrier against freedom of discussion, or the right of the people's will to prevail.

  • We have broken the "iron ring," and are no longer dependent upon foreign concessions and foreign markets for the preservation of our social system and the aggrandizement of a ruling class.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ruling class" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    another chapter; bring peace; cannot leave; century later; certain articles; could not tell what; finely minced; general battle; general idea; greatly obliged; happy issue; her friend; insomuch that; light weight; little importance; mightie armie; never even; ruling class; ruling elder; ruling elders; ruling party; since otherwise; skin side; soon came; women would