He was placed in the centre of the Royals with twenty men of his (the light) company, having the light company of the Royals as his immediate support and under his orders, and accompanied by a ladder-party under an engineer officer.
Should the Third Hand overbid three Spades with either Hearts, Diamonds, or Clubs, he shows great strength in the suit named and absolute weakness in Spades; the bid of two Royals shows assistance in Spades, and probably other strength.
A doubtful double should not be made when the partner has another bid, as, for example, when the adversary to the right has called four Hearts, over three Royals declared by the partner.
To overbid two Royals or Hearts with three Diamonds or Clubs is obviously absurd, unless holding five honors and such other strength that game is assured.
With Royals Trump has Diamonds X, X, X two high-card tricks, and can Clubs X, X take at least one with small cards.
As a rule this is a two-suit hand, and in a genuine two-suiter it often happens that one side may be able to win eleven tricks in Royals or Hearts, while their adversaries can capture a similar number in the other.
It says, "I want this hand played with Royals as the Trump, but I cannot bid that suit now, as I have not the requisite high-card holding.
She carried all her canvas, even to her royals and stay-sails, but her hull was only partially visible above the horizon.
I can hardly tell at this distance, sir; the heads of her royals are only just showing above the horizon, but they don't appear to be of any great size.
All the same, sir, I believe it's about time them royals was took in.
Away aloft and loose the royals and topgallantsails.
My mate told me that the time in which they got that there Pyramus ataunto again, that day, and the royals upon her, was never a'terwards beaten!
Her log records her exploits in such entries as these: "Passed a ship under double reefs, we with our royals and studdingsails set.
Far up to the gleaming royals they carried sail in winds so strong that the lumbering English East Indiamen were hove to or snugged down to reefed topsails.
The gear of the courses was overhauled whilst the topgallant-sails and royals were being loosed, and in a few seconds all plain sail was made on the brig.
After a time I came on deck, and found topsails and royals set and Mr. Cledd in command.
I quickly brought it to bear upon the distant gleam, which the lenses instantly resolved into the heads of the fore and main royals of a craft--either a barque or a brig--standing to the southward.
Meanwhile the Union Brigade on the left, consisting of the Royals and the Inniskillings, with the Scots Greys in support, had broken into the fight.
The leading files tried to turn, but in an instant theRoyals were upon them, cutting them down furiously.
The charge of the Inniskillings to the left of the Royals was just as furious and just as successful.
He issued immediate orders for the Tenth Royals of Toronto, two more companies of H.
Walking the deck with quick, side-lunging strides, Ahab commanded the t'gallant sails androyals to be set, and every stunsail spread.
Which being done, and they departed, wee ransaked the Towne, and in one house we found a pot of the quantitie of a bushell full of royals of plate, which we brought to our ship.
A cap-full of wind will be a bag-full here, and before night our royals were furled, and the ship was laboring hard under her top-gallant sails.
Well the lee brace; haul taught to windward"--and the royals are set.
Carrying royals and studding-sails, the Chancellor during the last four-and-twenty hours has held a steady course.
By this time Mr. Sharp and Saunders had returned, bringing with them several light sails, such as spare royals and top-gallant studding-sails.
The band of the 1st Royals played them into the city, where they were billeted for the night.
The thanks of the Court were given to the 1st Royals for their services, and to the Mayor and magistrates of Norwich for their cordial co-operation with the county authorities in the suppression of the disturbances.
Half an hour passed, and then there appeared far away on the horizon, on the brig's lee quarter, a tiny white speck, which steadily though imperceptibly increased in size until the snowy royals of a large ship stood fully revealed.
A short interval passed, and then he had the royals stowed once more, and finally he ordered them to be loosed and set again.
Yes, there it was, quite unmistakably this time, and a single moment's observation of it satisfied the anxious watcher that he saw before him the royals and topgallant-sails of a vessel apparently of no very great size.
The royals were set when he took charge of the deck, and these he had separately clewed up and furled, as well as one or two of the smaller stay-sails.
The telescope was once more called into requisition, and it now showed not only the royals and topgallant-sails, but also the topsails of the stranger fairly above the horizon.
The crew who were on deck flew aloft; the watch below came tumbling up and hastened to join the rest, some laying out on the fore and main-topsail yards, while others handed the royals and topgallant sails.
The stranger's royals had first been seen, then her topgallant sails, and now the heads of her topsails appeared above the horizon.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "royals" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.