The various processes by which land areas are modified lead in general to a roughening of the surface.
The degree of this rougheningdepends principally on the elevation of the land, together with contrasts in the resistance of the rocks due mainly to variation in hardness, climatic conditions, etc.
The roughening power of the letter r has been adverted to, and other consonants may now be noticed, with exemplifications, of their efficient use in poetry.
These are instances in which the roughening effect of the r is felt to aid the meaning powerfully.
And, in proportion as my physical nature suffered their neglect, it acquired strength by the very rougheningto which that neglect exposed it.
He felt sure that the wear had been due not so much to outflowing gases as to bits of unburnt powder driven out at each discharge, identifying this abrasion with the roughening of glass in windows facing sandy shores of the sea.
Roughening their crests and scattering high their spray, And swelling the white sail.
We found them in sore straits, in two small boats, with only a pair of oars to each boat, and the sea roughening up every minute.
In the icy waters of a February night, however, with something like fifteen miles to swim to mainland through an ever-roughening sea, it was almost impossible that the strongest among them could hope to reach shore alive.
As the sea wasroughening all the while, the two submarine boys out forward were having a hard time of it.
Twas there dark with menacing clouds--thick, sombre clouds, tinged with a warning blue, rising implacably above the roughening black of the sea.
This roughening by radiated heat caused by the unequal expansion of the constituent crystals of the stone; for granite crystals the melting temperature is about 600 deg centigrade.
Therefore the depth of roughening and ultimate flaking of the granite surface indicated the depth to which this temperature occurred and helped to determine the average ground temperatures in the instant following the explosion.
But now there was a sudden roughening of the smooth surface of the water; white caps were lashed up by a squall that broke with no warning at all.
Toothing plane, a plane of which the iron is formed into a series of small teeth, for the purpose of roughening surfaces, as of veneers.
Others, apart far in the grassy dale, Or roughening waste, their humble texture weave.
Most have polished surfaces; only three or four show any battering, or rougheningfor handle.
The roughening is a secondary operation, having no relation to the making of the implement; it was produced by pecking after the surface was polished.
There can be no “type” among such crude implements; they are almost invariably waterworn sandstone pebbles, with a pit varying from a slight roughening of the surface to a hollow half an inch in depth pecked in each face.
In thus cleansing the plate, the roughening is etched away by the violent action, and a new polish is obtained.
Then the only remedy is to prepare the stone over again, and that is the time when one must have regard to the roughening that ensues, if the stone is not to be rendered worse instead of better.
Occasionally the depression is reduced to a minimum, and consists of merely a slight notch or roughening on one or both faces of the pebble which has served as a hammer or pounding-stone.
Instances of this roughening are common in Switzerland, rare in France, and rarer still in England.
By this time a squall was roughening the sea to windward, and presently white crests began to break amidst the dark water.
The prudence of this was becoming every moment more evident, as the dark waves were now breaking all round us, and the water was roughening and whitening to windward; it was clear we should have a sneezer before long.
The sea-breeze was roughening the water in the offing, but in the cove, on which we looked down, all was as yet as smooth as glass.
As the day lightened, the wind fell, and by sunrise, it was nearly calm in the small bay, although we could see the breeze roughening the blue waters out at sea.
Its chief characteristic is the roughening of its surfaces with the marks of twisted cords and somewhat later with those made by a plaited basketry fabric.
Now, in place of the many forms of surface rougheningwhich marked the history of the latter, plain surfaces become the rule.
The men did not put up their tent, but lay beside the fire, for we meant to be up betimes and try to make the mouth of the Nascaupee River before the lake, which was already roughening a little, became impassable.
It was a relief when the wind dropped a little, but then we could see it had risen again, roughening the water in the distance some minutes before it reached us.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "roughening" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.