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Example sentences for "rocketed"

Lexicographically close words:
rockeries; rockers; rockery; rockes; rocket; rocketing; rockets; rockey; rockfish; rockie
  1. It took every ounce of his strength to hold it forward so that the wind-rocketed plane wouldn't go whanging up into a stall.

  2. Shuddering, Ralph rocketed outside into the clear darkness of space.

  3. One of the aircars had rocketed and machine-gunned some Keegarkans who appeared to be trying to repair them; the other blew up King Orgzild's nitroglycerine plant.

  4. In an instant one of the forts was a mass of opalescence that shifted so swiftly it was purest white, then rocketed away, lifeless, and no longer relux.

  5. Space was dark for the barest instant of time, and then there was the scream of atmosphere as the ship rocketed through the air of the planet at nearly fifteen hundred miles per second.

  6. With every cubic inch of air seemingly filled with death-whining bullets from the ground guns, Dave rocketed the 110 recklessly downward and let go with all his guns and air cannon.

  7. For a full five minutes, the Nazi rocketed south with Dawson some two miles behind him and holding steadily to the pace.

  8. As the ship rocketed smoothly through the airless void of space toward the misty planet of Venus, Tom made another quick but thorough check of the panel, and then returned to his reflections on the past term.

  9. Against a backdrop of shimmering stars that studded the velvet black emptiness of space, the freighter Dog Star rocketed toward the red planet of Mars carrying the four spacemen on the next step of their search.

  10. And the lighted cage rocketed past and up.

  11. In the cab, Maitland, turning to watch through the rear peep-hole, was thrown violently against the side as the hansom rocketed on one wheel into his street.

  12. The shares rocketed as the exchanges throughout the System were thrown into an uproar.

  13. On the screen the mountains danced weirdly as the set rocketed swiftly away and then came the glint of red and yellow desert.

  14. She feared that she would fall; but the thought rocketed through her mind that if she yielded to the almost overpowering physical weakness of the moment she would be at his mercy.

  15. Within a week thereafter the price sky-rocketed to $3.

  16. The stock was then sky-rocketed to above $17 a share on the San Francisco and Pittsburg stock exchanges and the New York Curb.

  17. He watched until Vidac rocketed off in his jet car, followed by a stream of colonists in various types of vehicles.

  18. Blasting through space, leaving a trail of atomic exhaust behind her, the Polaris rocketed smoothly through the dark void toward the misty planet of Venus.

  19. Circe rocketed into the lead and led them on a zigzag course that avoided the vast parodies of human feet which barred the way like river dams.

  20. The field had been cleared for the stunt and he sped out of the hanger and rocketed into the air.

  21. He released the brakes, opened the throttle, and waved to Tommy as the plane shot down the field and rocketed away in pursuit of McDowell, whose plane now was only the tiniest of dots in the southwestern sky.

  22. Quickly Astro hailed the members of the emergency crews that had rocketed up from Deimos and told them of the possibility that Tom was inside the chamber.

  23. Steadily, the Good Company rocketed through space, eating up the miles and gaining on the Space Lance.

  24. As a transfer point for the great passenger liners that rocketed between Venusport, Atom City, and Marsopolis, the refueling station at Deimos was well staffed and expertly manned.

  25. Walters, Strong, and Kit Barnard sat behind Blake, the Space Marine lieutenant, and Sergeant Morgan as they rocketed through the streets.

  26. But as the sleek ship rocketed in, the commander of the Ptomenite craft waited until the last moment and then released whatever force held the ship in the air.

  27. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "rocketed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.