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Example sentences for "rockes"

Lexicographically close words:
rocked; rocker; rockeries; rockers; rockery; rocket; rocketed; rocketing; rockets; rockey
  1. To this purpose also serueth Orewood, which is a weed either growing vpon the rockes vnder high water marke, or broken from the bottome of the sea by rough weather, and cast vpon the next shore by the wind and flood.

  2. Wrinckles, Limpets, Cockles, and Muscles, are gathered by hand, vpon the rockes and sands.

  3. A shallow earth dooth couer their outside, the substance of the rest consisteth ordinarily in Rockes and Shelse, which maketh them hard for manurance, & subiect to a drie Summers parching.

  4. Vpon a small Iland, within this sound called Smithes Iland (because he first set vp his forge there) was found a Mine of siluer, but was not wonne out of the rockes without great labour.

  5. We were forced many times to stemme and strike great rockes of yce, and so as it were make way through mighty mountaines.

  6. Forsaking this bay and vncomfortable coast (nothing appearing vnto vs but hideous rockes and mountaines, bare of trees, and voide of any greene herbe) we followed the coast to the South, with weather faire and cleare.

  7. First of all therefore that we haue the egle, common experience dooth euidentlie confirme, and diuerse of our rockes whereon they breed, if speach did serue, could well declare the same.

  8. It is within ful of small Islands, and without full of rocks very farre out, and within the rockes you haue fayre sand at 20 fadoms.

  9. Nicholas, and hath great Alabaster rockes on the bankes towards the sea side.

  10. On both sides of the mouth of this riuer Pinego is high land, great rockes of Alablaster, great woods, and Pineapple trees lying along within the ground, which by report haue lien there since Noes flood.

  11. The splitting Rockes cowr'd in the sinking sands, And would not dash me with their ragged sides, Because thy flinty heart more hard then they, Might in thy Pallace, perish Elianor.

  12. M197) And here the riuer from the North shore to the South shore is not past foure leagues in breadth, and it is a dangerous passage betweene both the lands, because there lie bankes of rockes in the riuer.

  13. And from hence to the Isle des Coudres or of Filbeards, all is nothing but Isles and rockes on the South shore: and towards the North the sea is fayre and deepe.

  14. But, lord, thise grisly fendly rockes blake, That semen rather a foule confusion Of werk, than any faire creation Of swiche a parfit wise God and stable, Why han ye wrought this werk unresonable?

  15. Betweene Cape Trepointes and the towne of Samua is a great ledge of rockes a great way out in the sea.

  16. The river of Sesto is easie to be knowen, by reason there is a ledge of rockes on the Southeast part of the Rode.

  17. You shall know it by the said rockes that lie off it: for there is none such from Cape de las Palmas to Cape Trepointes.

  18. And ouer the castle upon the hie rockes we did see as it might be two watch-houses, and they did shew very white: and we went eastnortheast.

  19. And towards euening we were thwart of an Island, and a great many of small Islands or rockes to the Southward, and the currant came out of the Souther-boord: we sounded and had 35.

  20. Without this there lie two great rockes like Ilands, and the castle standeth vpon a point which sheweth almost like an Iland.

  21. About two leagues beyond the farthest Cape there is a lowe glade about two miles long, and then the land riseth high againe, and diuers head lands rise one beyond another, and diuers rockes lie at the point of the first head-land.

  22. So was the red sea impossible for the Israelites to passe through, the hils and rockes lay so on the one side, and their enemies compassed on the other.

  23. The prouince of Cinsay hath eightie thousand three hundred footemen, but of horsemen verie few or none; for that this prouince and the other that followe, are all mountaines, and ful of rockes and stones.

  24. Thus much I dare my selfe avouch, that crystall groweth within certaine rockes upon the Alps, and these so steepe and inaccessible, that for the most part they are constrained to hang by ropes that shall get it forth.

  25. First of all therefore that we haue the egle, common experience dooth euidentlie confirme, and diuerse of our rockes whereon they bréed, if speach did serue, could well declare the same.

  26. And as a man goeth thither, after he bee in 43 degrees or more, hee must haue a care to looke out for certaine small rockes which lie neere the land, and lie North of the harbour.

  27. These white cliffes are 6 in number, and this Cape hath in the face thereof a certaine round land that sheweth to bee an Island afarre off: and it hath certaine poynts of rockes hard by it.

  28. This Cape hath many poynts of rockes lying 4 leagues into the sea: and when thou hast sight of this land, it is goode for thee to keepe from it a good bredth off.

  29. Of the Streight which they discouered on the coast of Capo de las Plaias, and of the pleasant Countrey which they found before they came to the rockes called Los diamantes.

  30. There are certaine rockes that lie off betweene the yle of Alcatrarzas and S.

  31. The Bay that lyeth before the Towne at a low spring tyde, will be all flatts for two miles together, upon which is great store of Musclebanckes, and Clam bancks, and Lobsters amongst the rockes and grassie holes.

  32. These creatures in the winter time creepe into clifts of rockes and into holes under ground, where they lie close till May or Iune.

  33. They have often recourse unto the rockes whereupon the sea beates, in warme weather to looke out for sleepie Seales, whose oyle they much esteeme, using it for divers things.

  34. And though wild rockes about the shore appeare Yet vertue will finde roome to anchor there.

  35. Rich in our selves, we envy not the East, Her rockes of Diamonds, or her gold the West.

  36. And this is th' emblem of our life: To please And flatter which, we sayle ore broken seas Unfaithfull in their rockes and tides; we dare All the sicke humors of a forraine ayre.

  37. The south side is plaine low ground, and the north side high mountaines, the rockes being of a grauelly nature, interlaced with many vains of glistring spangles.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "rockes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.