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Example sentences for "retaken"

Lexicographically close words:
retainers; retaineth; retaining; retains; retake; retakes; retaking; retaliate; retaliated; retaliates
  1. Moreuil, captured by them, was retaken by the French, again taken by the Germans, and finally carried in a brilliant bayonet charge by British and French troops.

  2. This town, being only a mile or so to the south of the wood, constituted a menace to the Americans if retaken by the Germans, and consequently the latter made several determined efforts to regain it.

  3. But in January, 1823, Santa Marta was retaken by Montilla, and Coro by Soublette.

  4. Cienfuegos, who had been left in command, met this new foe on the open, but was completely beaten, and Arauco was reoccupied by the Royalists on the 3rd June, to be retaken by Freyre on the 17th July.

  5. In the course of the hard-fought battles between June 15 and July 15, the French had retaken the entire valley of Ambleny-Coeuvres, and had gained a footing on the plateau to the eastward, which stretches as far as the outskirts of Soissons.

  6. From the heights conquered in fourteen days of fighting the Allies went down to the plateau of the Soissonnais; soon they would reach the Vesle and join hands with the troops who had retaken Soissons.

  7. It could not be delivered at Verdun, because France had not only retaken all the ground of military value which had been lost; but Verdun had become to France a religion, a fanaticism.

  8. It was an Italian big-gun position, and orders were given for it to be retaken at any cost.

  9. The village of Hassen-Hausen, near which the opposite armies were first made aware of each other's proximity, became instantly the scene of a severe conflict, and was taken and retaken repeatedly.

  10. The combat commenced by a furious attack on the village of Asperne, which seemed only taken that it might be retaken, only retaken that it might be again lost.

  11. No less than two hundred and fifty deserted before the middle of May, very few of whom were ever retaken and returned to the regiment.

  12. Sardinia was taken by the Vandals from Africa; but in 533 it was retaken by Justinian.

  13. Confederate regiment, being mistaken for friendly troops and allowed to approach, silenced the guns by close rifle fire, and from that time, though the hill was taken and retaken several times, the Federal attack made no further headway.

  14. Fabius; the Samnites captured it again in 311, but it must have been retaken at an unknown date.

  15. During the day of November 1, Wytschaete was retaken and lost again.

  16. The village of St. Julien was lost, but was finally retaken on the 3rd.

  17. The Western suburbs of Valenciennes were fiercely disputed, being finally retaken on November 2 by the Canadian troops under General Currie.

  18. Gheluvelt was retaken by the British in October, 1918.

  19. The struggle at this juncture was very bitter, Hindenburg having shortly before issued an order stating: "Passchendaele must be held at all costs, and retaken if lost.

  20. The Germans succeeded in crushing in the front to a depth of some 700 yards in the direction of Zillebeke, but the next day a portion of the lost ground was retaken by the Canadians.

  21. Seven times in all was the battery captured by the Russians, and seven times retaken by our men.

  22. During the war which grew out of the Revolution, Albany Fort changed hands again to the English, and was afterwards retaken by the French, after which a strong English force (1692) repossessed themselves of it.

  23. Periodically--at least twice a month--neighbouring towns were retaken by the French.

  24. The Germans had put it up in Laon: "La Fere has been in a cowardly manner retaken by the French.

  25. Noyon also was reconquered I do not know how many times, and La Fere retaken with bayonets.

  26. New England militiamen on board, captured Acadia and Port Royal that summer, but Acadia was retaken by the French the following season.

  27. Meanwhile, Colonel Bisshopp had retaken the fort, with its American captors, and with a handful of regulars and militia awaited "annihilation.

  28. The probabilities that the midshipmen and Reuben would be retaken seemed very great.

  29. However, as we cannot help him, we must push on, or we shall be retaken ourselves.

  30. Salona, the Dalmatian capital, was taken by the Imperial army, wrested from them by the Goths, retaken by the Imperialists.

  31. Carlisle was speedily retaken by the English troops, and its garrison, including Jemmy Dawson of Jacobite song, sent in ignominy to London.

  32. Part of its nave was pulled down by the irreverent Roundheads to repair the fortifications, and it was used after Carlisle was retaken from Prince Charlie as a prison for the garrison.

  33. Half of the money which the cargo produced, Captain Ridley settled on Travers: he rewarded the two men who had assisted in bringing home the Aurora, and made a present to all his sailors who had been retaken in the privateer.

  34. The Scots held the keep till 1157, when it was retaken by Henry II.

  35. The King of England had just retaken Namur, without Villeroi, who had succeeded Marshal Luxembourg, having been able to relieve the place.

  36. We have seen already that the "half way" naval station at the Cape of Good Hope had been retaken from the Dutch in 1806, the year in which the Berlin decree was issued.

  37. The task of defeating the Prussians was entrusted to his army in Saxony with which Davoƻt was expected to co-operate from Hamburg, retaken by the French on May 30.

  38. The journalist was of opinion that Fouquet had succeeded in making his escape, but had been retaken and condemned to pass for dead, and to wear a mask henceforward, as a punishment for his attempted evasion.

  39. Bremen taken by the Duke de Broglio, and retaken by Prince Ferdinand.

  40. Count Kevenhuller was obliged to retreat from Servia; and Nissa was retaken by the Mussulmen.

  41. The sloop of war which the rebels had surprised at Montrose was retaken in Sutherland, with a considerable sum of money, and a great quantity of arms on board, which she had brought from France for the use of the pretender.

  42. General Wunch having retaken Leipsic, and joined Finck at Rulinbourg, the united body began their march towards Dresden; and a detachment from the army of the empire, which had encamped near Dobelia, retired at their approach.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "retaken" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.