Defn: Having residence; as, a canon residentary; a residentiary guardian.
There was a Residentiary body of six, consisting of three dignitaries, the Precentor, the Chancellor, and the Treasurer, and of three other Canons elected by the Residentiary body.
Canons, residentiary and non-residentiary, origin of the difference, 85 et seqq.
The deed winds up by saying that the non-residentiary Canons are to have votes in Chapter, but only for the purpose of electing a Bishop.
We do not want to get rid of our Residentiary Canons, but we do want to have more of their company.
How the distinction betweenresidentiary and non-residentiary Canons came about I shall explain presently.
No Dean or Canon Residentiary ought to have any other benefice, or any cure of souls, except such as may be attached to the cathedral itself.
The actual rights of the non-residentiary Canons, both at Wells and elsewhere, is a question of law, to be settled by a legal examination of various local statutes and general Acts of Parliament.
The term of residence is fixed at four months at least yearly for a Dignitary being a Residentiary, and at three months at least for a Residentiary not being a Dignitary.
Incidental notice has been taken in the preceding pages of Chantries in St. Paul's, but we have to speak more fully of these, for they formed a very large source of income, especially to the Residentiary Canons.
To the fabric of the said church, L20; to each residentiary canon with the precentor of the said church present at my obit, 6s.
This balance was divided among the six residentiary canons, making L83 11s.
The principal residentiary buildings of a monastery were grouped in a customary order round the cloister court; but the houses of the dignitaries of a cathedral were arranged as convenience suggested.
A residentiary of St. Paul's cathedral happening to fall vacant, Lord Granville was anxious to secure it for the learned translator of Demosthenes, Dr.
Some of them are held by non-residentiary Prebendaries, who never come near the Cathedral, and who have no duty except to enjoy their incomes.
Archdeacon Crosse was installed a Canon Residentiary of Norwich Cathedral.