By a similar arrangement the feeble attractions and repulsions of the diamagnetic force have been made manifest.
It triumphs over its own repulsions that it may help and raise.
What interests me in myself, in spite of my repulsions is, that I find in my own case a genuine example of human nature, and therefore a specimen of general value.
Except for the dependence resulting from the electrical charges and the consequent attractions and repulsions between ions, the ions must be considered independent molecules with their own ‹specific chemical› and ‹physical› properties.
That a vacuum has its own magnetic relations of attractions and repulsions is manifest from former experimental results (2787).
It is the interaction of their lines of force that causes the attractions and repulsions in active movable conductors.
Starting from the discovery of Oersted, the illustrious French philosopher had shown that all the phenomena of magnetism then known might be reduced to the mutual attractions and repulsions of electric currents.
If the attractions and repulsions are so circumstanced as to be able to produce motion, they are sources of working-power, but not otherwise.
He suggested that attractions andrepulsions were the result of particles being constantly and rapidly exchanged by the bodies experiencing the attractions and repulsions.
In ordinary bodies, the attractions and repulsions usually cancel each other entirely or nearly entirely, leaving very little of one or the other to be detected as surplus.
Hence I infer that the motions which we call magnetic attractions and repulsions may be quite analogous to such helical motions; also, that these motions exist in ether, and evidently may be either right-handed or left-handed.
But he learned to conquer his repulsions as obstacles to knowledge: it was the patriot's duty to study calmly the nature of his country's foes.
The electrostatic attractions and repulsions between bodies of measurable dimensions are, of all the manifestations of this force, the first so-called electrical phenomena noted.
But what are even these forces acting between magnets when compared with the tremendous attractions and repulsions produced by electrostatic force, to which there is apparently no limit as to intensity.
This force manifests itself in attractions, repulsions and stresses in the bodies and space or medium without.
He discovered and illustrated the principle of Inductive Capacity; and, turning to theory, he asked himself how electrical attractions and repulsions are transmitted.
It would see every molecule placed in its position by the specific attractions and repulsions exerted between it and other molecules, the whole process, and its consummation, being an instance of the play of molecular force.
If the attractions and repulsions be so circumstanced as to be able to produce motion, they are sources of working-power, but not otherwise.
He says: "Let the atoms be twice as far apart, and their attractions and repulsions will both be reduced to one fourth of their present amounts.
Let them be brought within half the distance, and then attractions and repulsions will both be quadrupled.
There they are worked out under influences which cannot be perceived by introspection and in which inborn and acquired inclinations, experiences, organic conditions at the time, instincts, attractions and repulsions play a decisive part.
They are continually and inevitably subjected to the same attractions and repulsions and have no means to withstand them.
Probable cause of the different attractions and repulsions of the two electrified globes mentioned in the two preceding letters.
Probable Cause of the Different Attractions and Repulsions of the two electrified Globes mentioned in the two preceding Letters.
The splendid researches of Poisson and Gauss had shown how to reduce all the phenomena of statical electricity to mere attractions and repulsions exerted at a distance by particles of an imponderable on one another.
Coulomb investigated the fundamental law in electricity and magnetism, that attractions and repulsions are inversely as the square of the distances, and showed that it held accurately for point-charges and point-poles.
The phenomena of nature were held to be resolvable into the attractions and the repulsions of particles of matter; all knowledge was attained through the senses; the mind antecedent to experience was a tabula rasa.
Can we have our charged body in one place and get attractions or repulsions at some other place?
You have learned that attractions andrepulsions show the presence of electrification.
It causes the magnetic needle to take a certain position at every place upon its surface, and this position depends upon the earth's attractions and repulsions for it.
Sir William Thomson, the Newton of modern physics, says emphatically, "I have no faith whatever in attractions and repulsions acting at a distance between centres of force according to various laws.
There is also a respectable school of physicists who teach that atomic attractions and repulsions are the universal cosmic forces which originate all molecular and mechanical motions.
Molecular attractions and repulsions are the primal forces communicated to matter at the Creation, and from "the self-activity of these primary forces" result all the forms of energy in nature, whether organic or inorganic.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "repulsions" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.