He had not urinated since the accident, and two liters of clear urine were withdrawn by catheter; after which, the patient rested quietly and gradually regained consciousness.
He regained consciousness only in the middle of the night, finding himself half covered with water.
He regained consciousness, but remained stupid, dull in expression, and with memory impaired.
He regained consciousness a few hours later but was deaf on both sides.
Didtu na siya makamatngun ug buut sa uspital, He regained consciousness in the hospital.
Dihà na ku makaalimatmat ug buut sa uspital, I was in the hospital when I regained consciousness.
He too was but slightly wounded, a bullet, grazing his skull, having stunned him, so that when he regained consciousness he was apparently as fit as ever.
Just then, in one of those marvellous flashes of regained consciousness, the man upon the bed opened his eyes and looked, first at Travers, then at Priscilla.
Donaldson attended me most patiently, and I regained consciousness, but was too weak to even sit up in bed.
For three weeks he lay insensible, and when he regained consciousness a fever followed.
A few hours afterwards the patient opened his eyes, regained consciousness, and was able to converse with the spectators attracted by his resurrection.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "regained consciousness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.