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Example sentences for "reckoner"

Lexicographically close words:
recklessly; recklessness; reckly; reckon; reckoned; reckoneth; reckoning; reckonings; reckons; recks
  1. True, all turns on your Ready-Reckoner being moderately correct,--being not insupportably incorrect!

  2. Such Ready-Reckoner is a Solecism in Eastcheap; and must, whatever be the press of business, and will and shall be rectified a little.

  3. Kind of Ready-Reckoner a Solecism in Eastcheap.

  4. He had no more need for a ready-reckoner than a centipede has of legs.

  5. He would put you in a set of twenty-seven volumes of the History of the World for fifty-three dollars, or he would open his valise and sell you a ready-reckoner for six bits.

  6. The ready-reckoner was, therefore, the money-maker for Morgan, who seemed to carry an inexhaustible supply.

  7. Morgan ran over his compendiums and horse books, but Isom was firm for cash; he suggested at least one ready-reckoner on account, but Isom had no need of that.

  8. Kind of Ready-Reckoner a Solecism in East-cheap.

  9. True, all turns on your Ready-Reckoner being moderately correct, --being not insupportably incorrect!

  10. Thy soul sufficeth as reckoner against thee this day.

  11. S: Read your book; your own self is sufficient as a reckoner against you this day.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "reckoner" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    accountant; actuary; auditor; bookkeeper; calculator; clerk; computer; controller; recorder; registrar