Herbert had succeeded in obtaining another momentary triumph over his emotions: and was once more on the eve of uttering words of friendship, when the young girl looked up and reciprocated his gaze.
Major Ackland reciprocated the generous treatment here extended, by doing all in his power, while on parole in New York, to alleviate the condition of distinguished American prisoners there.
His attachment was reciprocated by the young lady, and they made an engagement for marriage.
I reciprocated the latter infirmity, and now confess profound ignorance of all she attempted to say.
Blount reciprocated the courtesy by asking Ralegh's forgiveness, 'both for the wrong done you, and for my particular ill intent towards you.
Ralegh reciprocated by keeping his men in perfect order.
Ralegh, he asserted, reciprocated his hospitalities by a full abandonment of any possible claims he might have made upon the Lismore property.
Tars Tarkas and Carthoris exchanged the dignified and formal greetings common upon Barsoom, but I could tell intuitively that the Thark loved my boy and that Carthoris reciprocated his affection.
Reciprocated love produces a general exhilaration of the system.
While the Italian opposition to Mozart's music was so pronounced, the feeling of antagonism was by no means reciprocated by the great Salzburg composer, who wrote a number of variations to airs by Sarti, Paisiello, and Salieri.
Meantime, George continued his walking, his talking and caressing, which Darrell could hear was occasionally reciprocated by a sweet little cooing from the baby.
A pair of plungers are reciprocated at a rate of forty strokes per second by means of an electric or gasoline motor, and they produce a train of pressure waves in a column of water.
The machine is held in the hands, and the tool, which is rapidly reciprocated by air pressure, pounds the red-hot shank of a rivet.
Richard's desire to conciliate was fully reciprocated by Trevethick, who wished above all things to make friends with the friend of Parson Whymper; only conciliation was so much out of his line.
Could it be doubted that of some one of them she hadreciprocated the passion?
A liberal disposition toward this great National policy is manifested by most of the European States, and ought to be reciprocated on our part by giving the immigrants effective National protection.
I make this suggestion upon the ground that a comity which ought to be reciprocated exempts our consuls, in all other countries, from taxation to the extent thus indicated.
I have no suspicion that she ever reciprocated his affection, although in seeking to learn the truth of your friend's tragic end she must have had some very strong motive.
I loved her with all my heart, and had believed implicitly that she reciprocated my affection, yet here, in this single moment, the cup of happiness was dashed from my lips.
The balance weights found as part of the equivalent revolving system when reciprocatedby their respective crank pins form the balance weights for the given reciprocating system.
These conditions may be exactly realized by a system of weights reciprocated by slotted bars, the crank shaft driving the slotted bars rotating uniformly.
Thirdly, I think that the reciprocated love of two sometimes creates a new soul.
He had fallen in love with a young lady of the Chitroff family, and maid of honour to the empress, and finding his affection reciprocated a baby was the result.
He was very friendly to me, and I reciprocated his attentions, though I paid no attention to the reproaches he addressed to me for not having come to breakfast with him for such a long time.
The restraints imposed on that commerce by Great Britain, and reciprocated by the United States on a principle of defense, continue still in force.
It is true that up to this time Don Rafael had not formally declared his passion to the young Creole; but it is probable that she knew it without any verbal avowal; and still more that she fully reciprocated it.
The affection for their horses was quite touching, and it was fully reciprocated by the animals.
The animal reciprocated the coachman's compliment by promptly kicking the front splashboard of the carriage to smithereens.
And on their part, the right reverend prelates cordially reciprocatedhis antipathy.
The sincerity and warmth with which he reciprocated the affection expressed for his person in the addresses presented to him was well calculated to preserve the sentiments which were generally diffused.
As long as his heart is bound up in its first bundle of love and devotedness--as long as his affections remain reciprocated and uninterrupted--so long temptations cannot take effect.
I make this suggestion upon the ground that a comity which ought to be reciprocated exempts our consuls in all other countries from taxation to the extent thus indicated.
A liberal disposition toward this great national policy is manifested by most of the European States, and ought to be reciprocated on our part by giving the immigrants effective national protection.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "reciprocated" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.