Broke camp at five o’clock in the morning, waded Bull Run about noon, and camped at night near Manassas Junction.
The regiment and corps, including the Thirty-sixth Regiment, broke camp at daybreak, marched three miles beyond Strawberry Plain, and camped in the woods.
Our old enemy the fog had made its appearance in the course of the night, and now hung, grey and disgusting, under the sky, when we broke camp at the depot on the morning of November 13.
We broke camp at the usual time, in overcast but perfectly clear weather, and began what was to be our last day's march on this trip.
After laying down the depot and erecting beacons, we broke camp at 3 p.
Broke camp at six o'clock and marched twenty miles, to a point on Shell Creek.
Broke camp at ten o'clock and marched about eight miles, crossing the Elk-horn River about two miles below Oakdale Village.
Broke camp at seven o'clock and marched to Crayton, a distance of thirteen miles.
Broke camp at seven o'clock and marched to Neligh, a distance of about twenty-five miles.
We broke camp about 8 o'clock, leaving the trail, which runs down to the mouth of the creek, and passed over a succession of high ridges, and part of the time through fallen timber.
We broke camp about 10 o'clock this morning, taking a course of about ten degrees north of west, traveling seven miles, and coming to camp on the lake shore at about five miles in a direct line from our morning camp at half past two p.
After we broke Camp we sold our fur in Fairbanks and started for the head of Copper river.
After we broke camp we went to Mexico and rode a Horse Ranch.
About mid-winter we broke camp it grew cold and heavy snows covered the whole country; so we went down to Duluth and sold our furs.
The birds were wild but we had good shooting when we broke camp in the morning and killed enough to last us several days.
The morning following the receipt of the heliogram we broke camp at daylight.
George and I broke camp in time to take the evening train on the branch road to Harbour Grace, where, it was agreed, we should rejoin the others, the steamer being scheduled to put in there on its way north.
Reluctantly we broke camp, and began a day of back-breaking, disheartening work.
ON A REAL RIVER AT LAST We broke camp in the forenoon of August 7th, and a few hours later, after making two trips back and forth, we arrived with our baggage on the bank of our new river.
Our high spirits still remained when we broke camp in the morning (Wednesday, August 19), but they were destined soon to be dashed.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "broke camp" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.