But, for to see his wo and mortal payne, The teres gonne fro myn eyen rayne Ful pitously, for very inward routhe 580 That I him saw so languisshing for trouthe.
He was gone, and Roger Rayne was sitting alone on the steps, with the dollar in one hand, and the card in the other, as bewildered a boy as any in Boston town.
Mrs. Rayne sighed deeply, as Roger set the baby on her lap and darted out of the house.
And all the herbes of the felde before they sprange: for the LORde God had yet sent no rayne vpon the erth/ nether was there yet any man to tylle the erth.
C 535 But in your mater he trusteth me alone, Wherein, I do perceyve by your complaynte, Oppressyon of rayne doth make the wynde so faynte, That ye wynde-myllers be clene caste away.
For as longe as the wynde rewleth, yt is playne, Twenty to one ye get no drop of rayne; And when the element is to farre opprest, Downe commeth the rayne and setteth the wynde at reste.
For in excesse of rayneat any flood Your myllys must stande styll; they can do no good.
No water have we to grynde at any stynt, The wynde is so stronge the rayne cannot fall, Whyche kepeth our myldams as drye as a flynt.
If rayne came reasonable, as I requyre yt, We sholde of your wynde mylles have nede no whyt.
And then, syr, there came a wynde myller in, Who sayde for the rayne he could no wynde wyn, The water he wysht to be banysht all, Besechynge your grace of wynde contynuall.
And well it is knowen, to the most foole here, 635 How rayne hath pryced corne within this vii.
And your hole desyre, as I take the mater, Is plente of rayne for encres of water.
Nay, in the hye wayes he shall take effecte, Where as the raynedoth never good but hurt, For wynde maketh but dust and water maketh durt.
I perceive you tooke the woodden waggen for a ship and the violent rayne for the sea, and by cause some one of the wheels broake and you cast into some water plashe, you thought the shipp had splitt and you had bene in danger of drowneinge.
I perceive you tooke the woodden waggen for a ship and the violent rayne for the sea, and by cause some one of the wheeles broake and you cast into some water plashe, you thought the shipp had splitt and you had bene in danger of drowneinge.
Into thy boosom Oh lett mee rayne a shower of joyfull teares To welcom thee, my Mirable.
And there are some superlative satin and silk lengths which my Lady Rayne wished particularly to see.
The Lady Rayne nodded, a brazen gong sounded, the big folding-doors at the south end were thrown open, and the hall was quickly filled with the customary throng of retainers and hangers-on.
She had answered quietly, almost mechanically, but the heart of the Lady Rayne thrilled to the new note in her child's voice.
Baron de Cosson obtained one fromRayne Church in Essex, when it was pulled down, and Meyrick procured a similar one from Fulham Church, and Mr. Seymour Lucas, A.
The Baron de Cosson has identified this form, seen to have been fixed to the breast by two staples and a double buckle behind, and himself possesses a magnificent example, which once hung over the tombs of the Capels in Rayne Church.
At this juncture Mr. Rayne bustled in and, somewhat surprised to find his little girl alone, he took the seat Honor had placed for Guy, and settled himself for a comfortable fireside chat.
There is the sitting room where Mr. Rayne spent his long, thoughtful night under the gaslight with Robert Edgeworth's letter lying between his numbed fingers.
Mr. Rayne was expected every minute, and Mrs. d'Alberg and Honor were loitering the moments of waiting around the drawing-room.
I am afraid such a 'by and by' as that is as far in the past as it is in the future," Henry Rayne said, laughing.
Long after Honor lay sleeping peacefully, her pink cheeks buried in the soft pillows, Mr. Rayne sat thinking in the armchair below.
As the darkness crept down over the cold, dark streets, Mr Rayne swallowed his evening remedies and retired for the night.
For she shall be called to remembrance that Tatius the Sabine, Numa borne of the stocke of Curetes and Ancus, broughte forthe by a Sabine woman all straungers, did rayne and became noble and mightye.
There has fallen a great rayne that pours downe on our tents.
I rode to a windmill but mistooke the way, as a great rayne fell, then the eyre waxed clere and I saw a great many Englyssh erls and Frenche knyghtes, riding in contrarie directions, in hast.
I will give it to Mr. Rayne when he returns to-morrow," I promised him.
Then a few minutes later he suggested, that as Rayne had not returned, he and I should have a final game before retiring.
It was now evident, as I had suspected, that the two men who were so eager to serve me were international crooks, and members of the great gang which Rayne controlled.
So I sent Vincent a note, telling him to wire Rayne at once on receipt of it.
By some means Rayne had got to know of this, and by that clever ruse his accomplice got possession of the cheques, and ere the old man could wire to London to stop payment, all four had been cashed for large amounts without question.
There was quite a crowd of well-dressed people around our pen watching our gambols, and so Mrs Rayne was not surprised to be told soon afterwards by the secretary, that two of her kittens were claimed at catalogue prices.
Then Mrs Rayne proceeded to furnish the cottage, after a fashion, plainly and well.
Mrs Rayne was at the station to meet us herself, and conveyed us in a cab all the way to the show.
Mrs Rayne was a widow lady, and lived almost by herself in a pretty house in the country.
Having had the sawdust removed, Mrs Rayneput down our pretty cushions, gave us a little warm milk sweetened with sugar, patted our mother, and left.
Mrs Rayne had no less than seven female or queen cats, and two beautiful Toms.
Much rayne per night with extreme lightnyng and thunder, as I have not heard the lyke since we arived in Japon.
We went to dyner to a towne called Ishebe,[28] where we were constraned to stay all night because the waters were up, that we could not passe by reason of much rayne which happened.
Great aboundance of rayne per night, with an earthquake at 9 a clock at night.
A stiffe gale most parte of day and night 248 following, which might be accompted a tuffon or harrecano, with aboundance of rayne all day.
I might have asked Mr. Rayne in so many words if his wife's name had been Waitstill Atwood Eliot when he married her, but that would have savored of treachery to her, and I refrained.
But what shall I do when Mrs. Rayne and my sister-in-law are comparing notes about the perfections of their husbands?
Mr. Rayne is as proud of the admiration given to his wife as if it were a personal tribute to his own taste in selecting her.
Mrs. Rayne had taken off the close-buttoned jacket, and her dress was now open at the throat, with some rich old lace clinging about it and fastened with a pearl daisy.
Mr. Rayne had his barouche waiting on shore, and drove us first to the bandstand, where, in the coolness of sunset, all the Bombay world meet to see and to be seen.
This was my plot: Mrs. Rayne had been reading a book that I had bought for the home-voyage, and was to finish it before evening.
Mrs. Rayne tossed the note to me while she unfolded a roll of gray silk.
My wife," said Mr. Rayne with laughter in his eyes.
Water spots some grays" said Mrs. Rayne with a strange sort of smile as Rhoda went out, "especially salt water.
Next day Rhoda and I were sitting with Mrs. Rayne in her dressing-room, with a great fan swinging overhead.
Forty fathoms deep, I hope," said Mr. Rayne with a sudden change in his voice and a darkening face.
The gentlemen walked up and down smoking the pipe of peace, while Mrs. Rayne sat within, talking with Rhoda in the candlelight.
When she was occupied with the others Mr. Rayne whispered, "Her praises were so sweet in my ears that I would not own myself Sir Lancelot at once.
But we've got old Mrs Rayne and the manager, who are both quite as nasty to us as any shop-walker could be," she protested quickly.
Rayne is constantly nagging at one or other of us if we don't effect a sale.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "rayne" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.