I am ravenously hungry, and they both win my warmest esteem by transferring choice morsels from their own plates into mine with their fingers.
May the reader never be ravenously hungry and have to choose between a " Melican plan-cae " and nothing.
He was thin to gauntness, ateravenously of the food that was set before him, and throwing off his soaked moccasins, he spread his scalded feet to the blaze, and the steaming odor of drying leather filled the room.
After that I became the hunter of the family; but oftener than not I returned tired and empty-handed, and ravenously hungry.
A few moments later Lawless was eating ravenously of a savoury mess out of a tin plate with his fingers--knives and forks, apparently, were regarded by these people as among the superfluities of life.
The air was chill and he shivered, becoming aware at the same time that he was ravenously hungry.
Twilight deepened; the night breeze, grateful and refreshing, swept across the water, and all at once Atherton remembered that he had not eaten since his ill-omened luncheon and that he was ravenously hungry.
Suppose, somewhere in some mountain wilderness, you were to come by chance upon an undiscovered stream, simply filled with trout so hungry and so unwary that they would rush ravenously for your bare hook.
From morning till night struggling away with their oars, living on hot soup and the sea-birds they shot, which wereravenously devoured without much labor being devoted to cooking the same.
They fed ravenously on raw meat, and before long became pretty tame.
For two or three days they refused all food; but at the end of that time they fed quite ravenously from the hand.
They were allravenously hungry, and the ravages they caused among the eatables filled the waiters with astonishment.
Up to this moment he had not thought of food, but now he was conscious that he was ravenously hungry.
The thought of supper made Katherine suddenly realize that she was ravenously hungry.
She was puffing like an engine from her dash up the hill, she was tired out, she was ravenously hungry, she was unutterably cross at herself.
Purposely Breault had left a lump of desiccated potato as big as his fist, and this Peter ate as ravenously as he had eaten the bacon.
It fell within a foot of Peter's nose, and Peter wasravenously hungry.
He had had nothing to eat, except a couple of sandwiches, since the previous night, and the sight of food made him realize that he was ravenously hungry.
The "bogey" on the engine-room casings soon burnt brightly, and soon he and Marchant were sharing a big bowl of cocoa, and ravenously eating some more clumsy sandwiches which the men cut for them.
A captive taken July 18, after feedingravenously on a cooky, retired to a corner and went to sleep.
July 2 a young red-squirrel which had frequently been seen around the camp in the Cisco Lake Region was found ravenously feeding on the kidney of a recently skinned woodchuck.
He was as ravenously fierce as a wolf balked of its kill.
Gimme that bucket," he ordered gruffly, and began to devour ravenously the food he found in it, tearing at sandwiches and gulping them down like a hungry dog.
I'm going to take Lil out to-night," my companion said between mouthfuls of steak, for he wasravenously hungry.
Seeing the girl towering almost over him, he doubled back with a mighty leap, just avoiding the vengeful sweep of the axe, and darted back to the front of the shed, where his mate was now ravenously feasting on her easy prey.
The man ate ravenously--so ravenously in fact, that Connie who had learned that a starving man should be fed slowly at first, uttered a protest.
The man ate ravenously of broiled caribou steak and drank great quantities of tea, after which, the day being still young, camp was struck, and the outfit headed for the cabin.
At supper time they returned straggling, their expression pleased, six inches of red tongue hanging from the corners of their mouths, ravenouslyready for supper.
They had been sleek and fat when they started from the Circle L; they were growing lean, wild, and they were always ravenously hungry.
It had a tonic effect upon them; they were energetic, eager, and always ravenously hungry.
Moreover, he wasravenously hungry, and felt certain that the breakfast hour must have long gone past.
Sitting up like a squirrel, and clutching the end of the root with both little forepaws, she crushed the white esculent into her mouth and gnawed at it ravenously with the keen chisels of her teeth.
He rushed forwardravenously to snatch the bait,--but just in time that scent called up an ancient memory.
Seeing themselves discovered, the two lynxes threw aside their cunning and rushed ravenously upon what they counted easy prey.
We are both ravenously hungry, and--well, you can judge the rest!
Leaping upon it, we rapidly cut it in bits and ravenously devoured it raw.
Summoning the natives to help us bring in the spoils of the hunt which had been left on the ice, we first indulged in a gluttonous feast of uncooked meat, in which the dogs ravenously joined.
Those of the troops who had not tasted any nourishing food for so long a time ate so ravenously of the salted meat that half of them died of a violent dysentery.
We were still ravenously hungry after we finished the trout, but the bag contained only one more meal of venison and we did not dare draw on it.
We were ravenously hungry, and ate even the heads of the dried trout we had for luncheon, these being the last of those we caught and smoked on Lake Elson.
Then all settled down, and as she tore up she found the white wolf feeding ravenouslyagainst time, bolting his meal as only the wild members of the dog tribe, hyenas, and vultures can.
With the deer rushing all around him, Gulo fed, ravenouslyand horribly, but not for long.
These, having been previously warned not to experiment upon a crowded system, were now ravenously putting in the solid, three-course lunches they had foregone.
Crows and gulls were feeding ravenously as the tide drew off the flats and sand-shoals.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ravenously" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.