His drink is water, and now and then an intoxicating draught of bad raki or sour country wine.
His enemies declared (as they always do) that he was the victim to an over-indulgence in the raki and wine of Phyni.
N'raki slowly, and looked nervously from side to side.
N'raki was an autocrat of autocrats, and of his many battalions of skilled fighting men, all very young and strong, with shining limbs and feathered heads, he was proudest of his first regiment.
One morning the new witch-doctor stood in the presence of N'raki the king.
N'raki lived, therefore, undisturbed, for the outrage coincided with the findings of the Demarcation Commission which had been sitting for two years to settle certain border-line questions.
N'raki sent messengers with gifts and kind words to the intruder, and on a certain day there was brought before him the slim Arab, Ussuf.
Directly these were brought, his Majesty ordered raki to be served to them in company with Bekri.
Our host tucked a bottle of raki under his arm, and, taking a small glass in his hand, accompanied us to where we were to embark, and then handed round the final stirrup cups in most liberal manner.
The day after our return to Scutari the pasha very suddenly died, whereupon the whole city rejoiced much and openly, and indulged in more rakithan was good for it.
Just by the bar, as we chose to call the corner of the room where the raki and wine were stored, there was a broad wooden slab against the wall, supported on logs, and sloping down outward at a slight angle.
After dinner we provided coffee and raki for our visitors.
Courteous, gentlemanly, not over strict in the observance of his creed, he will drink raki on the quiet with an easy conscience.
I found few Albanians indeed had very delicate consciences when raki was in question.
He likes raki best," was the reply, "when no one is looking on.
Raki is a colourless spirit, extracted from the skins of grapes after the wine-making.
Wet through as we were, we thoroughly enjoyed the meal, which we washed down with the rum we had brought with us, and raki we bought from the khanji.
It was a curious scene; not the least curious object was the gallant Jones handing round refreshments--raw rakiin a saucepan, which girls and all partook of freely.
Our landlord insisted on our pouring down numerous glasses of raki in his house, and, according to the general custom over here, accompanied us to about half a mile or more from the town, when a halt was called.
The sole effect of the raki was to make him exceedingly devotional.
Raki and mastic, the favourite beverages of this part of Europe, are drinkable: that is all that can be said for them.
Indeed, from the soup to the raki liqueur, it was a notable feast, and it heartened us.
I leant back in my chair and poured myself out a tot of Raki from Alec’s bottle.
The five courses of the Ski Club dinner were sent over to us by our good friends in Posh Castle, and a bottle of raki with them.
His head was buzzing from theraki now, but he kept turning over in his mind the possibility that she'd been looking in the wrong place.
In the meantime smoking had commenced throughout the castle, but this did not prevent the smokers from drinking raki as well as the sober juice of Mocha.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "raki" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.