Whether education--using the word in its broadest sense--will effect a radical change in the relation of man and woman remains to be seen.
But, our entire conception as to the hereditary transmissibility of insanity has undergone a radical change.
She will die inside of two hours unless a radical change sets in very soon.
Public sentiment, which at first had been strong in favor of her innocence, had undergone a radical change, and was now as strong against her as it had been in her favor.
You would not think it possible for any one to undergo such a radical change as she has.
Sir Roper Lethbridge and those who concur with him now propose that this system should undergo a radical change.
I cannot doubt that, when the time arrives for Lord Kitchener, in his turn, to retire, no brusque or radical changewill be allowed to take place in the general principles under which he is now administering the country.
So far, it lacks all practical significance because we are not numerous enough, but whenever there is to be a radical change in this country, the change will have to be made through these councils locally.
This is thus dealt with: "There is a large element in this country who want a radical change if not a revolution.
The serious effect of such a radical change in our standards of value cannot be exaggerated; and its possibility will greatly disturb confidence in resumption, and may make necessary large reserves and further sales of bonds.
After the incorporation of Ãlava into Castile in 1332, the older type of government, based primarily on the CofradÃa of Arriaga and the elected lord, underwent a radical change.
It was natural that the imperialistic Olivares should wish to introduce a radical change in the relations of Spain and Portugal.
When the large volume of local traffic handled at this station is considered, it is apparent that such a radical change is a serious matter for shippers and the great manufacturing and commercial industries of the city.
This state of things lasted until the invention of powder and firearms produced a radical change in the condition of the Italian communes.
But just at that time an event of considerable importance worked a radical change in the general policy of Tuscany, and is accordingly worthy of notice.
For some time past, in truth, Italian politics had showed signs of approaching to a radical change.
The consequences that flowed from this radical change in the basis of citizenship were numerous and weighty.
It was a radical change, and the powers were granted because of the necessity, which was generally felt, that something should be done for the improvement of the National Capital.
The utilization of iron as a ship-building material, the cheapening of fuel, the superior speed, all betokened a radical change in transportation on the principal ocean routes of the world.
But this is a radical change, a total change, an entire revolution.
Hence, that regeneration of which our Lord speaks in his discourse with Nicodemus is not a radical change of the conscience, but of the will and affections.
This he discovers, as soon as he attempts to convert them; as soon as he tries to produce a radical change in them.
We have already seen that the conscience cannot undergo a radical change.
It led directly to the question of the powers of the Convention, and formed the early line of division between those who desired to adhere to the existing system, and those who aimed at a radical change.
The constant aim of the States, which had from the first opposed a radical change in the structure of the government, was to frame the legislature as nearly as possible upon the model of the Congress of the Confederation.
These persons, and all in fact who make the new birth something short of a radical change of heart, are obliged, for consistency's sake, to accommodate the other doctrines to their views of regeneration.
The Scripture account of this matter is, in substance, that there is a radical change of our moral nature by the efficient operations of the Holy Ghost.
The Arminians and Calvinists agree in this doctrine, in so far as that they both make it a radical change of moral nature, by the supernatural agency of the Holy Ghost.
After various attempts to get themselves reinstated, their feelings toward the nation, which was nowise to blame for the excessive zeal of its public servants, underwent a radical change.
It admits of a variety of beginnings, but one can never be sure of the end, seeing that it presupposes a radical change in the temper of the peoples, one might almost say a remodeling of human nature.
That there is need of a radical change in the study and practice of medicine, is well known among those who have examined the subject with any degree of thoroughness.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "radical change" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.