The city folks who read his book, sitting by their steam radiators in their ten by twelve flats, love to fancy these emotions, glow to these sentiments.
There were to be four radiators downstairs and three upstairs, one in the bathroom, one in the hall, and one in a chamber.
We shall have fireplaces in every room--real ones--and steam radiators beside.
A coal fire was glowing pink and clear in the grate, and now and then the radiatorshissed softly.
The radiators clanked and hissed softly in the intervals of silence, sometimes there was whispering at the shelves, or one of the attendants spoke in a low tone.
Appropriate to flat-dwellers, who are so accustomed to the pounding steam in the radiators that it must have lost much of its terrors," Robert replied.
You shall share the warmth of our gilt radiators and have a gilt-edged welcome, you raving lunatics!
In the Far West, it is quite common, in the outlying district, to find electric radiators made out of iron pipe covered with asbestos, on which the requisite amount of iron wire is wound and made secure.
Electric radiators will be used 24 hours a day in winter, and not at all in summer.
From this table you can make your own radiators to keep the house warm in winter.
A Home-made Stove or Radiator While we are on the subject of resistance coils it might be well here to describe how to make stoves for cooking, andradiators for heating the house, at small expense.
Again, the complaint that steam apparatus has an unpleasant odor is due to the fact that the radiators are allowed to become covered with dust, which is cooked, and gives rise to the smells complained of.
Where radiators are used, the ventilation of the rooms should, therefore, be looked after.
In this system all of the radiators should be not less than from 1 to 5 feet above the water level in the boiler, according to the complication and extent of the circuit.
In all others, the water goes to Radiators from one common reservoir.
Even the steam radiatorsare here cleverly concealed by wooden cases made after Empire designs.
If your rooms are heated with steam, cover the radiators with wooden frames in line with the period of your room cut in open designs to allow heat to come through, and painted to match the woodwork of the room.
Bad radiators of heat are bright and polished metallic surfaces, white woollen cloth or flannel, hard and dense substances, such as a gravel path and stone, or those leaves which have a polished surface, such as the common laurel.
You know that the gas in the bag of this dirigible is heated by electric radiators in order to avoid condensation of the gas?
It is specially provided with radiators which electrically heat its gas, allowing it to navigate in these regions without fear of the gas condensing and causing the ship to descend.
The exploding gas had caught fire--possibly from a spark from the electricradiators as the bag and their supporting framework was ripped apart by the explosion.
Like the officers' cabins, it was warmed by radiators fed from the main boilers when under way and from the donkey, or auxiliary, boiler when hove to.
Radiators are now constructed in many different forms, to fit under windows, in corners, in fireplaces, under cabinets, and so on.
To meet this emergency there is a combination hot-air and hot-water heater which supplies radiators on the upper floors, or elsewhere if desired.
As the temperature of the water is automatically controlled, the atmosphere of the rooms may be kept at the desired degree, the presence of radiators in each room, all of the same temperature, giving an even heat over the entire house.
R= for Radiators to which we all swarm To dry off our stockings and get our toes warm.
Returning to school they wound the blossoming sprays in and out of a white lattice work, which a few of their industrious class mates had made to cover the radiators in the dining room.
Torrents of energy, slashed from the hearts of incalculable numbers of atoms, washed into space from the throats of the great radiators aboard the battleships.
The operator gasped with horror as the titanic hull came into view in his sights, yet with unerring accuracy his hands moved the radiators to center exactly on the target.
He watched the crewmen at the complicated boards that controlled the input of power and the focusing of the radiators upon the distant target.
But when snow had ended the skating and she tried to get up a moonlight sliding party, the matrons hesitated to stir away from their radiators and their daily bridge-whist imitations of the city.
Their hearts shut again till spring, and the nine months of cliques and radiators and dainty refreshments began all over.
The modification of the spectrum of a radiating gas by a magnetic field, such as would result from the hypothesis that the radiators are the system of revolving or oscillating electrons in the molecule, was detected by P.
I preset two forward radiators for forty kilometers at low condensation, with a three kilometer radius at surface.
Attempts to override the automatics were unsuccessful, and while I was attempting to clear the trouble, the captain called again, saying that the request was false, and asking why I had turned the radiators on.
One does not see just how the universal sunny exposure is to be managed, but there can be no question of the baths; and, with the steamradiators everywhere, the northernmost room might well imagine itself full south.
There is no longer an extortion for hearth-fires which send all the heat up the chimney; there are steam radiators in every room.
Put into cooker with one or more radiators which have been heated for 10 or 15 minutes over hot fire.
For cake ordinarily baked in a moderate oven, heat radiators hot enough to brown a pinch of flour in half a minute.
In the case of the centre car no alteration was necessary, as external radiators were fitted in the first instance.
It was found on the flight trials that the cooling was insufficient, and external radiators were fitted, the internal radiator and fan being removed.
The same riser supplies both radiators with steam and takes the water of condensation back to the boiler.
Radiators for hot-water heating are most commonly of cast iron and in appearance are the same as those used for steam heating.
It must not be understood that this will always occur, because systems of this kind are in use with fairly good results, but noisy radiators are not at all rare when working under this condition and the cause is from that described.
The sections of steam radiators are joined together at the bottom with close-nipples, so as to leave an opening from end to end.
The steam enters the radiators and, coming into contact with the relatively colder walls, is condensed.
In filling the system see that all air cocks on the radiators are closed.
Radiators of different styles and sizes are listed by manufacturers, according to the amount of heating surface each possesses.
Radiators are sold at a definite amount per square foot, and may be made to contain any amount of heating surface, for different heights from 12 to 45 inches.
Three-column radiators of different heights; for steam or hot-water heating.
The thermostat motor automatically opens and closes the furnace dampers or the valve that admits steam to the radiators as heat is demanded by the controller.
In the arrangement of the drop system, the supply pipe for the radiators rises from the boiler to the highest point of the system and the branch pipes for the radiators are taken off from the descending pipe.
The hot water from the top of the boiler is flowing to the radiators through the supply pipe and the displaced cooler water is returning to the bottom of the boiler through the return pipe as in the other plants described.
Keep water in the boiler at 212 degrees Fahrenheit, so steam may form, for without it, the radiators will not be heated.
The heat from the furnace fire causes the water to circulate through this system of boiler, pipes, radiators and tank, due to the fact that hot water is lighter than cold water.
Knocking in steam radiators occurs most often in those systems using the inlet steam pipe for the return of the water which has formed as a result of condensation.
From the boiler, pipes lead to radiatorsand an expansion tank, and return pipes bring the cold water back to the bottom of the boiler (Fig.
Fill the boiler and radiators full of water, and add enough more to partly fill the expansion tank.
This may happen because the pipe draining the water from the radiators enters the furnace near the bottom of the boiler.
A steam-heating system consists of a boiler, a fire pot, pipes from the boiler leading to the radiators, and radiators (Fig.
These light-sources appear to emit only visible energy and, therefore, are efficient as radiatorsof luminous radiant energy.
The scientific worker in light-production has been searching for such "selective" radiators whose other properties are satisfactory.
II There was no more heat in the radiatorsof the hotel there than at Burgos, but for that evening at least there was none needed.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "radiators" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.