This word had been scarce uttered ere Shaw, with purpled face, contracted features, and eyes injected with blood, rushed with uplifted knife on his brother, who awaited him firmly.
The fever had disappeared, the priest's features were calmed, the flush that purpled his cheeks had given place to a pallor caused by the loss of blood; in short, he was as well as could be expected.
I do beseech yee, if you beare me hard, Now, whil'st your purpled hands do reeke and smoake, Fulfill your pleasure.
Drink made it doubtful if he lied, Drink purpled him, he could not face The fences now, nor go the pace He brought his friends to meet; no more.
He purpled in the face and swore At all three sons, and trained, and told Long tales of cricketing of old, When he alone had saved his side.
And in Sercq, the headlands were great soft cushions of velvet turf, the heather purpled all the hillsides, and, on the gray rocks below, the long waves shouted aloud because they were free.
And in Sercq the rocks were golden in the sunshine, the headlands were great soft cushions of velvet turf, the heather purpled all the hillsides, and the tall bracken billowed under the west wind.
His cheeks purpled and his eyes grew hot with passion.
Bright fires were burning beneath hanging pots; and their purpled reflections illuminating some places left others completely in the dark.
At first she walked through the darkness without meeting any one, for all were betaking themselves to the fire; the uproar was increasing and great flames purpled the sky behind; a long terrace stopped her.
Fenayrou stared at him wide-eyed, and from the shadow of a folded mat The Parrot thrust his purpled face.
But for political reasons he had swathed himself mid-about with a striped Malay sarong, which is half a skirt and half a sash: whereat Zimballo tookpurpled offense.
They had halted at the southerly brow of the ridge from which the eye sweeps a radius of twenty miles over purpled hills and polychromatic valleys, to yet other hills melting into a sky of melting turquois.
When now Aurora, daughter of the dawn, With rosy lustre purpled o'er the lawn.
Through the laburnum's dropping gold Rose the light shaft of Orient mould, And Europe's violets, faintly sweet, Purpled the mossbeds at its feet.
Paymaster, laughing till his jowl purpledover his stock.
I do beseech ye, if you bear me hard, Now, whilst your purpled hands do reek and smoke, Fulfill your pleasure.
I do beseech ye, if you bear me hard, Now, while yourpurpled hands do reek and smoke, Fulfill your pleasure.
There, through the fleeting days and nights, the Queen and her royal suite of a thousand purpled cavaliers and bejeweled maids of honor, held court and viewed the ever-changing, living panorama evolved for their entertainment.
Look up the purpled steeps of these heathered hills.
As soon as I lost sight of Teviotdale another grand vista of golden and purpled hills and rich valleys burst upon my sight as suddenly as theatrical sceneries are shifted on the stage.
The summer bees came and filled all those heather-purpled acres with their industrial lays, and sang a merry song in the door of every wild-flower that gave them the petalled honey of its heart.
When you reach out your vaunted strong hands for our palaces and purpled ease, we will show you what strength is.
We are going to take your governments, your palaces, and all your purpled ease away from you, and in that day you shall work for your bread even as the peasant in the field or the starved and runty clerk in your metropolises.
He has said that it is their intention to take away from us our governments, our palaces, and all our purpled ease.
On her side Inez appeared to have formed some violent resolution, for with purpled cheeks she addressed the general, while repressing the beating of her heart.
Nothing disturbed their rest, which lasted till long after the first sunbeams had purpled the horizon, and it was Leon who awoke his comrades.
One May morning he closed his eyes for ever, just as "Aurora had but newly chased the night, And purpled o'er the sky with blushing light.
Having attained the summit, we discovered a vast, irregular range of country, and advancing, found ourselves amongst downs bounded by forests and purpled with thyme.
The queen she sought, the queen her hours bestowed In curious works; the whirling spindle glow'd With crimson threads, while busy damsels call The snowy fleece, or twist the purpled wool.
Moist clouds long since have washed the purpled grass, Yet red as ever 'tis in Lucan's glass.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "purpled" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.