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Example sentences for "purohit"

Lexicographically close words:
purling; purloin; purloined; purloining; puro; purohits; purp; purple; purpled; purples
  1. The purohit sprinkles water over the heads of the pair, and their wrist-threads (kankanam) are removed.

  2. An Oriya Brahman purohit officiates at the marriage ceremonies, which, with slight variations, conform to the standard Oriya type.

  3. But, instead of Vedic chants, the purohit recites slokas specially prepared for non-Brahman castes.

  4. The purohit invests the bridegroom with a second thread as a sign of marriage.

  5. When the bride and bridegroom come to the wedding booth dressed in their new clothes, the Brahman purohit gives them the threads (kankanam), which are to be tied round their wrists.

  6. The officiating purohit (priest) worships the elephants, and the bride and bridegroom go round them.

  7. A Brahman purohit ties the thread round one pot, and the Kapus round the rest.

  8. Each purohit has a number of houses attached to his circle, and his sons usually divide the circle among themselves on partition, like any other property.

  9. Early on the wedding morning the bridegroom's party, accompanied by a purohit and washerman (Tsakala), go to fetch the bride from her house.

  10. The Brahman purohit places on a tray a conical mass of turmeric representing Vigneswara, to whom puja (worship) is done.

  11. On his return to the booth, the purohit lights the sacred fire, and the contracting couple sit side by side on a plank.

  12. A near relative of the bridegroom sits by the side of the purohit with plenty of betel leaves and areca nuts.

  13. The purohit has also to blow the conch-shell all the way from the bridegroom's house to that of the bride.

  14. A Brahman purohit then writes the names of the contracting parties, and the date of their marriage, on two pieces of palm leaf or paper, which he hands over to their fathers.

  15. A Brahman purohit moulds a little turmeric paste into a conical mass representing Vigneswara (the elephant god), and it is worshipped by the girl, in front of whom the trays brought by the women are placed.

  16. The marriage rites are as a rule non-Brahmanical, but in some well-to-do families the services of a Brahman purohit are enlisted.

  17. The pole has superseded the arrow used of old, and sometimes a purohit is consulted, and gives the hour from his calendar.

  18. Going still further south, we find the Nayar purohit called simply Attikurissi, omitting the Marayan, and he considers it beneath his dignity to shave.

  19. The Elayad or family purohit then performs another punnayaham or purification, and on the sixteenth day he takes the place of the priest.

  20. In settling the preliminaries of a marriage, a Brahman purohit takes part.

  21. The Vadhyan or purohit is present and repeats Vedic texts, while the father places a little rice and butter in the child's mouth.

  22. A Brahman purohit is then brought to the pandal, and seats himself on a plank.

  23. On the twenty-first day, the ceremonial is repeated, and the purohit is asked to name the child.

  24. The relations and friends assemble to take part in the ceremonial, and a Brahman purohit reads a puranam.

  25. At a marriage of the first daughter of a member of the Ranaratod sept, a Brahman purohit is invited to be present, and give his blessing, as it is believed that a Gujarati Brahman was originally employed for the marriage celebration.

  26. This is also done by the other relations, and they pass beneath a bundle of dharbha grass and twigs of Ficus glomerata held by the purohit (officiating priest), and gaze for a moment at the sun.

  27. The purohit had to marry the girl himself.

  28. The morning star is supposed to be Arundati, and the purohit generally points it out to the bridal pair at the close of the ceremonial, which terminates with three homams.

  29. The purohit again proclaims the marriage, and the gotras and names of three generations are repeated.

  30. The purohit ties the other thread on the right wrist of the bridegroom, who, facing the assembly, says "I am going to take the bride.

  31. A purohit is consulted as to the auspicious hour at which the tali or bottu should be tied.

  32. The purohit decorates a Ficus stick with dharbha grass, and gives it to the bridegroom.

  33. Then the purohit gives the tali to the bridegroom, and he ties it on the bride's neck amidst silence, except for the music played by the barber or Melakkaran musicians.

  34. The purohit rubs a little jaggery over the bridegroom's right palm, joins it to the palm of the bride, and ties their two hands together with a rope made of kusa grass (hasthagonti).

  35. A striking instance of the divergence of guru from purohit is given by Sir Monier Williams in another connection.

  36. It passed off without a hitch, and the purohit (family priest) fixed Sravan 17th as an auspicious day for consummating the union.

  37. Then the guru with his disciple arrived, and the purohit from the temple, to superintend the ceremonies that were necessary for the restoration of caste.

  38. The purohit and the guru believe in them.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "purohit" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.