From these caterpillars were obtained, which pupated on 1st-3rd June.
The larvæ bred from thesepupated on May 28th to June 7th.
Although the caterpillars in the free state feed upon another plant unknown to me, they readily ate the cabbage, grew rapidly, and pupated at the end of July.
Levana; the caterpillars pupated during the second half of June, and from that time to their emergence, on 28th June-3rd July, great heat prevailed.
I once placed two large specimens of this caterpillar in the lizard vivarium, where they remained for five days, and finally pupated unharmed on the side of the case.
They pupated in June, and the moths emerged in July, all fine specimens.
It hatched on April 26, was reared on plum, pupated early in June, and the moth, a darkish grey female, emerged on July 31.
It has been recorded that caterpillars hatched from the egg early in August, pupated in October, and the moths emerged the following May-July.
They all pupated about the same time, and side by side on cork bark.
On June 26th some half-grown and smaller caterpillars were received from the New Forest, only one of these was seen on July 19th, but it was then nearly full grown and appeared to be quite healthy, and others had pupated or died.
Sometimes a nearly fully mature caterpillar has been found in August, this has pupated and produced a moth the same year.
Two days later it stopped travelling, and pupated on the top of the now hardened earth in the bucket that contained the other two.
Those that pupated on the ground had left their skins at the thorax, and lay two inches from them.
Those I kept in confinement pupated on a bed of baked gravel, in a tin bucket.
It had finished feeding, soon pupated in a sand pail and the following spring a big female emerged that attracted several males and they posed on a walnut trunk for beautiful studies.
Chapman pupated in August, and the butterfly emerged some time in the autumn, as I found it dead in the box early in October.
One of these, fed up, pupated on October 13, and the butterfly emerged on November 21.
Those that I have seen pupated on or under leaves, and so far as I could observe without any girth, and certainly not suspended.
It was then about half-grown, and was reared on heather, pupated in due course, and produced a female butterfly on July 11th.
These were laid in a chip box, and the caterpillars hatched out on June 24, fed up quickly on knotgrass, attained full growth by July 24, and pupated about that date.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pupated" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.