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Example sentences for "pupate"

Lexicographically close words:
puote; pup; pupa; pupae; pupal; pupated; pupates; pupation; pupil; pupilage
  1. In confinement, larvae hatched in early May have gone down to pupate during the second week in June.

  2. They pupate towards mid-May, and the moths appear in June and July.

  3. The species believed by the writer to be most prolific in aberrations are species which pupate early in the spring from caterpillars which have hibernated or which pupate late in the autumn.

  4. Most of them are pendant, but a few forms pupate at the roots of grasses or under stones lying upon the ground.

  5. Later, they pupate within the tunnels and emerge during August and September as fully developed insects, having spent one year in their growth from egg to mature insect.

  6. It is usually full grown in late autumn, when it goes down some depth into the sand, but does not pupate until the spring.

  7. From July eggs some of the caterpillars will outstrip their companions, pupate in September, and appear as moths about a month later.

  8. Most kinds change to the chrysalis state underground, but some pupate among leaves or in chinks of tree bark, etc.

  9. They feed on the leaves of trees and bushes, usually exposed, and they pupate in a silken cocoon, spun up between leaves, or in a folded leaf, of the food plant.

  10. Possibly, however, in favourable seasons, some may pupate either in the autumn or in the early months of the year, and so attain the moth state greatly in advance of the majority.

  11. Observations have shown that if manure becomes flyblown and the maggots attain a fairly good size before the manure is scattered on the fields, they can continue their development and will pupate in the ground.

  12. Those which do happen to develop in the surface layers will migrate and pupate in the ring of straw around the heap, where they are destroyed by burning.

  13. The larvae, too, grow faster or more slowly, or pupate earlier or later from similar causes.

  14. It will not suit the night feeders that like to hide beneath the soil during the day, and it interferes somewhat with the burrowing tendencies of those which pupate underground.

  15. Most of the species that pupate in the autumn are now full fed, and will undergo the change to the chrysalis state shortly after they have been housed, thus giving but little trouble to the entomologist.

  16. The larvae are generally to be distinguished by a couple of little horns on one or more of the hindermost segments, and in most cases they pupate beneath the surface of the soil.

  17. The larvae feed for about 1-1/2 months, and then pupate in a loose cocoon for six to ten days.

  18. Mature larvae then drop to the ground to pupate in the litter.

  19. The larvae pupate in March or April and the cycle is complete.

  20. At maturity, larvae usually construct a chip cocoon in a chamber cut into the wood, and pupate in the cocoon.

  21. Feeding is usually completed in four to five weeks, at which time larvae drop to the ground to pupate in the soil.

  22. The larvae pupate the following spring or early summer, transform into adults, and emerge that same season.

  23. Once larvae enter the wood they bore upward through the sapwood and into the heartwood and pupate behind a plug of excelsior-like frass.

  24. The larvae pupate in the spring; adults emerge in early summer to feed.

  25. After feeding is completed, the caterpillars drop to the ground and pupate below the soil surface.

  26. The larvae pupate in the mines and emerge as adults in July to begin the second generation.

  27. They are so scarce I would have had trouble to provide the caterpillar with natural food; so I was glad that it was ready to pupate when found.

  28. In captivity the caterpillars seem to thrive best on a diet of purslane, and they pupate perfectly on dry sand in boxes.

  29. My only consolation was that it was feeding, and would not pupate until I could make a picture.

  30. Several works I consulted united in the simple statement that certain caterpillars pupate in the ground.

  31. In the case of the small ermine moths (Hyponomeuta) the caterpillars remain associated throughout their lives and pupate in cocoons on the mass of web produced by their common labour.

  32. The codlin moths (Carpocapsa) pass the winter as resting full-grown larvae, which seek shelter and spin cocoons in autumn, but do not pupate until the succeeding spring.

  33. These larvæ pupate and remain as pupæ in the wheat stubble during the summer.

  34. They pupate underground in an earthen cell, from which the adult beetle crawls out and flies up to the tree-tops.

  35. Here they molt again, or pupate as it is called, changing to a non-feeding, quiescent stage called the pupal stage.

  36. The larval ichneumons pupate either within the body of its host, or in a tiny silken cocoons outside of its body (fig.

  37. When ready to pupate the larva usually leaves the milkweed plant, and seeks some such protected place as the under side of a fence-rail or jutting rock.

  38. They now pupate in the top of their tunnel and in due season emerge as adults.

  39. The larvae spin slight cocoons in which to pupate and the pupae are rounded rather than angular.

  40. He found that if he placed in boiling water a caterpillar that was ready to pupate or become a chrysalis, the outer skin could easily be removed, revealing beneath the immature butterfly with well-developed legs and antennae.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pupate" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.