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Example sentences for "punning"

Lexicographically close words:
punkah; punkahs; punkin; punks; punky; puns; punster; punt; puntas; punted
  1. I take it to be a punning reference to the Pali family from whom the chief sprang, but it may simply be a way of saying "I am a very high chief.

  2. The phrase "Ka ai a ke kumu i ao oleia ia oukou" has been translated with a double-punning meaning, literal and figurative, according to the interpretation of the words.

  3. Cold-nose's faith in his girdle parodies the far-fetched dependence upon name signs common to this punning race.

  4. The French calembours were decidedly less reverential than the English punning signs.

  5. Some even say that the punning sign became popular in England only "after Edward ye 3 had conquered France.

  6. Likewise the landlord's name would account for such curious signs as "Hand and Cock," which was simply the punning sign of a certain John Hancock in Whitefriars.

  7. The next day, when they were gone, the landlord had the brilliant idea to change the pious words to the punning sign, "Goat and compasses.

  8. This negative being is negated by the man of intelligence, who puts out his eye, nullifies his strength by drink, and thwarts all help for him by a punning stratagem.

  9. Your devoted Mar tyr " ine " ried man " about" he concluded, punning on his nickname.

  10. The dramatists were fond of punning on foul and fair.

  11. Here again we have a punning allusion to the uncovered head of the gentleman-usher.

  12. Gifford points out that the punning allusion of foul to fowl is a play upon the word dottrel.

  13. Jonson is never tired of punning on the names of his characters.

  14. Probably it is a punning corruption of Mort de Dieu.

  15. It was in this letter, too, that he told Roberts that he was pleased with his punning, not merely because he liked punning in general, but because he learned from the use of it by Roberts that he was in good health and spirits.

  16. The crowd used its wits to keep itself warm; punning remarks concerning strike-breakers and capitalists buzzed through the air.

  17. They laughed more than they spoke; if any one introduced a serious subject it was immediately suppressed with a punning remark.

  18. Thou art thy mother's glass, and she in thee calls back the lovely April of her prime), and moreover that his Christian name being Henry he could not be the Will to whom the punning sonnets (CXXXV.

  19. The Ernest of the punning title is an imaginary brother, very wicked and gay, invented by John Worthing, J.

  20. Even in Roman times it kept its own coinage with the punning device of the bent arm holding a palm branch, and the head of Aphrodite on the reverse, and continued the use of the Greek language.

  21. Note the untranslatable play on criado, an example of a sort of punning in which the Spanish language abounds.

  22. Footnote 1: #Ni baja ni sube:# It is neither going down nor going up; a punning reference to prices on the market.

  23. A tenant in tail," said I, punning professionally.

  24. Merchants' marks also frequently appear; and the mediaeval taste for punning is shown by frequent rebuses formed on the names of the deceased, e.

  25. People in the Middle Ages loved punning and playing upon the sound of words.

  26. Cary's account of a punning contest after Lamb's own heart makes the company vie with each in puns on the names of herbs.

  27. The expression, however, proves that punning ran in the family.

  28. Wilder, alluding to symbolism, speaks of the punning so common in those days, often making us uncertain whether the accident of similar name or sound led to adoption as a symbol or was merely a blunder.

  29. From that they began making out lists of such punning names, including Amelia Eation, E.

  30. Then there's that very lively girl, Annie Mation," pursued Neale, racking his brain to discover other punning words.

  31. Probably there are few things more common, and at the same time more opposed to good taste, than punning upon people's names.

  32. The Seeds of Punning are in the Minds of all Men, and tho' they may be subdued by Reason, Reflection and good Sense, they will be very apt to shoot up in the greatest Genius, that is not broken and cultivated by the Rules of Art.

  33. When poor Daniel Button died, one of his punning customers being at his burial, and looking on the grave, cried out, This is a more lasting Button hole, than any made by a tailor.

  34. A gentleman observed one day to Mr. Henry Erskine, who was a great punster, that punning is the lowest sort of wit.

  35. Some punning verses to 'Sir Peter' are inscribed with the likeness.

  36. Daidai also means ages, generations, so that this is a sort of punning prayer for long life and the continuance of the family.

  37. There is therefore a punning allusion to the province of that name.

  38. Mottoes which have a punning reference to the name.

  39. The plate of Marcus Benjamin, of New York City, is a punning plate, and represents the gentleman himself riding his hobby-horse, which is in the form of a big folio.

  40. This punning character has of late obtained much favour, and wherever a name lends itself to a pun the effort seems nowadays to be made that the motto shall be of this nature.

  41. Combs also figure in the delightfully punning Scottish coat for Rocheid.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "punning" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    acrostic; alliterative; anagram; assonant; chiming; corruption; irony; pun; rhyming; uncertainty