Bot quhethir sa he be freynd or fa, 'That wynnys prys off chevalry, 175 'Men suld spek tharoff lelyly.
I shall a say to get yt for yow, and I may; the prysof the todyr bokys, besyd that, ys xxs.
Yf ye lyk be the prys of them, and ye wol have them, send me word.
The same prys of Troilus I seye, God help me so, I knowe not swiche tweye.
And certes, amonges thise thinges I ne trowe nat that the prys and grace of the poeple nis neither worthy to ben remembred, ne cometh of wyse Iugement, ne is ferme perdurably.
But by the prys of rightwisnesse and of 135 verray mekenesse we deserven the gerdoun of the divyne grace, which that is inestimable, that is to seyn, that it is so greet, that it ne may nat ben ful y-preysed.
And many othre folk han bought 190 honourable renoun of this world by the prys of glorious deeth.
In whiche I putte nat whylom bokes, but I putte that that maketh bokes worthy of prys or precious, that is to seyn, the sentence of 30 my bokes.
For see now and considere, how litel and how voide of 15 alle prys is thilke glorie.
Certes, yit liveth in good point thilke precious honour of mankinde, Symacus, thy wyves fader, which that is 20 a man maked alle of sapience and of vertu; the whiche man thou woldest byen redely with the prys of thyn owne lyf.
And the laste of his labours was, that he sustened the hevene up-on his nekke unbowed; and he deservede eft-sones the hevene, to ben the prys of his laste travaile.
For yif thou conferme thy corage to the beste thinges, thou ne hast no nede of no Iuge to yeven thee prys or mede; for thou hast ioyned thy-self to the most excellent thing.
In al this mene whyle she ne stente This mayde and eek hir brother to commende With al hir herte, in ful benigne entente, 1025 So wel, that no man coude hir prys amende.
That is a vertu, thurgh which a man hath verray knoweleche of him-self, and holdeth of him-self no prys ne deyntee as in regard of hise desertes, consideringe evere his freletee.
A free fall will take you out of the Paul Prys in case they hear us and start poking around.
That's showing the guys how good their Paul Prys are.
And thei sette no prys be no richesse, but only of a precyous ston, that is amonges hem, that is of 60 coloures.
Vesselle of sylver is there non: for thei telle no prys there of, to make no vesselle offe: but thei maken ther of grecynges and pileres and pawmentes, to halles and chambres.
A Bolle of átis pennys foure Of Scottis Monè past noucht oure; A boll of bere for awcht or ten In comowne prys sawld wes then; For sextene a boll of qwhete; Or fore twenty the derth wes grete.
Quha all hys Dedis ofprys wald dyte, Hym worthyd a gret Buk to wryte; And all thái to wryte in here I want báthe Wyt and gud Laysere.
I wol me gete prysor blame, And love trewe, to save my name; 3330 Who me chastysith, I him hate.
How may this man, for shame, be so bold To falsen her, that from his dethe and shame Him kepte, and gat him so gret prys and name?
The last poem of the fifty-four is a most pathetic elegy, composed by Prys when the news of his rival’s death reached him; he was also an elegant Latin poet, and a specimen of his talent is prefixed to Dr.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "prys" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.