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Example sentences for "pros"

Lexicographically close words:
prorogations; prorogue; prorogued; proroguing; prorsus; prosa; prosaic; prosaically; proscenium; proscribe
  1. It troubled her a good deal, and she turned again toward the other end of the room, where the attention of most of the company was riveted upon the group who were discussing the railroad, its pros and cons.

  2. After hearing all the pros and cons, the captain generally succeeds in awarding the tiger to the right man.

  3. Connected to this paradox (aggressivity diminishing the number of accidents) the pros could be: the "sleepy" upset the aggressive.

  4. However, the European liberal and tolerant spirit states that, passing over any pros and cons, there should not exist, in principle, any authority to oppose to the wish of the people to search and experiment new ways of life together.

  5. For two or three hours he again considered the pros and cons, changing his mind every moment, baffled, unhappy, torn by the most conflicting motives.

  6. The most discussed is that of the first verse: what is the precise meaning of [Greek: to me palin en lupe pros hymas elthein]?

  7. Attempts have been made to render [Greek: pros to me atenisai] otherwise: e.

  8. This is, I think, the only possible meaning of [Greek: polle moi parrhesia pros hymas].

  9. But others think all this is covered by the words "God shined in our hearts," and they take [Greek: pros photismon k.

  10. In Paul's experience his conversion and vocation were indissolubly connected; but [Greek: pros photismon k.

  11. All these pros and cons have been very interesting, and there have been various little incidents.

  12. A consultation was held, and all the pros and cons of the situation discussed.

  13. A council was called, and all the pros and cons of the situation discussed.

  14. What had brought him to weigh the pros and cons of honesty, anyway!

  15. If so, this may well be the [Greek: nesos pros to Heraion], and Ptychia may be the isle of Vido beyond.

  16. It is impossible to convey simply the verbal play and the quasi- argumentative force of the Greek {kalos ekhei pros ti tini khresthai}.

  17. The glory-grabber isn't any more popular today among real pros than he's ever been.

  18. The Pros and Cons of Arbitration Proposition.

  19. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pros" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    argument; case; con; consideration; plea; pleading; pro; reason; refutation

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    prose and; prose fiction; prose literature; prose translation; prose writer; prose writers; prosecuting attorney; prosperous journey; prostrate vines; prostrated himself; prostrated myself