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Example sentences for "proponents"

Lexicographically close words:
propius; propolis; propone; proponed; proponent; proporcion; proportion; proportionable; proportionably; proportional
  1. Both these objections were readily answered by the proponents of the amendment, who gave the experience of States in which the initiative has been tried.

  2. The proponents of the Direct Primary bill, on the other hand, seemed possessed of the notion that they must placate the machine if any Direct Primary bill were to be passed.

  3. There it lay until March 13th, two months and five days, when the proponents of the measure, realizing that they were being tricked, made their protest so loud that the measure was reported by the Committee, but without recommendation.

  4. These uncertain ones were blocked in their plan of action because the proponents of the Anti-Gambling bill knew just what they wanted to do, namely, close up poolrooms and bookmakers' booths.

  5. Speaker Stanton assured the proponents of the measure that if it passed the Senate, it should pass the Assembly.

  6. In a word, the proponents of the Stetson bill were from the start handicapped by a solid delegation of nine from San Francisco which they could not overcome.

  7. But the proponents of the measure consented to the plan to make the Senate act first.

  8. And even while these threats were being made against the proponents of the bill, opponents of the measure were working openly on the floor of the Assembly chamber against its passage.

  9. Meetings were indeed arranged, at which the proponents of the reform would be present, but the committeemen would fail to attend.

  10. The proponents of the amendment had good reason to believe that that number of Senators would vote for its adoption.

  11. Before the Walker-Otis bill could pass the Assembly the proponents of the measure had to win six fights, as is shown by the table giving the several votes taken in the Assembly on the Walker-Otis bill.

  12. But the opponents of racetrack gambling were satisfied with the Walker-Otis bill, while the proponents of the Direct Primary for California were by no means satisfied with the Wright-Stanton bill.

  13. Although self-interest could never be discounted as a motive, tradition also figured prominently, for example, in the controversy between proponents of the battleship and proponents of the aircraft carrier.

  14. The proponents of continued centralization of strike power were the more disciplined eastern members.

  15. The proponents of this resolution insisted that the "mixed" locals bore more than their share of the financial burden--that they practically supported the national organization.

  16. Mr. Chairman, ordinarily I assume that in such a case as this those who are in a sense proponents of the measure would be heard in the affirmative in argument in support of the measure.

  17. It is my understanding that in so far as the proponents can be said to be those who participated in the conferences, they do not care for leave to make any argument as such.

  18. I understood, Mr. Chairman, that that was in regard to the proponents of the measure.

  19. We have concluded that it is best to adopt the suggestion to hear first the proponents of the bill and then, at a later period, hear those who object to its provisions.

  20. There are many here who are opposed to the provisions of the bill, and those who are its proponents are in favor of them.

  21. It is difficult to give serious consideration to a set of alleged remedies when the only evidence is that furnished by the proponents of the alleged remedies.

  22. And among educated experts and professional proponents of worlds to be there is a general denial of its existence.

  23. Undoubtedly most of the proponents of this norm would not accuse a couple of certain mortal sin if they already have one or more children; after that, indefinite use of the practice without excusing causes would not be a mortal sin.

  24. It was at this point that the chief controversies raged between the bankers and the proponents of the administration measure.

  25. To Washington, therefore, hurried the proponents of every reform.

  26. Nor was this difficulty lessened by the reputation with which some of the proponents of silver were justly or unjustly credited.

  27. On what basis would the proponents of physical valuation, as the determining value in rate making, adjust a toll charge on these respective bridges?

  28. There is some good news for the proponents of database protection.

  29. The two major proponents of database protection in the United States are Reed Elsevier, the owner of Lexis, and Thomson Publishing, the owner of Westlaw.

  30. Its proponents sincerely believed in it and pursued it even when it did not make economic sense.

  31. Westlaw is one of the two leading legal database providers and, as I mentioned before, one of the key proponents of creating intellectual property rights over unoriginal databases.

  32. Such action would be but just to all parties--to both the proponents and the opponents of the present system.

  33. This new imperialist expansion was not interpreted by its proponents as being exploitative.

  34. Delany, both workers in the abolition movement, reversed their positions and became proponents of emigration.

  35. Outspoken proponents of desegregation were harassed in other ways as well.

  36. The proponents of the natural meteor, or meteorite, theory presented facts that they had dug out of astronomical journals.

  37. Works of art, proponents of language argue, can be reduced to verbal description, or at least be better accessed through the language used to index them through labels, classifications, categories.

  38. Within this model, its proponents preserve as the underlying structure the current set of dependencies among the many parts involved in human activity, and a stubborn deterministic view of simplistic inclination.

  39. Now would it not clarify discussion if the said proponents were to draw the line between such inadmissible matters and those that should be admitted?

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "proponents" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.