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Example sentences for "proficients"

Lexicographically close words:
proffers; proffit; proficience; proficiency; proficient; proficisci; profile; profiled; profiles; profissor
  1. The teachers of this college to be chosen, one half out of the exempts of the first college, and the other out of the proficients of the second.

  2. The proficients to be divided into five schools: Every school to have ten classes of 10 each.

  3. The fourth college, of schools only, where all persons whatsoever for a small allowance shall be taught and entered in all the particular exercises they desire; and this to be supplied by the proficients of the first college.

  4. The prejudices of inferior proficients in favour of the imperfections of their own performances, is still more amazing.

  5. To live at the expense of other people, and to procure the means of living in comfort without working for it, is an art in which there are many proficients in New York.

  6. The city is a good school for studying human nature, and its people are proficients in the art of discerning character.

  7. These are proficients in good eating; adepts in culling of delicacies, and the modes of dressing them.

  8. Double men," as proficients in both classics and mathematics are termed, are very rare.

  9. The common people are not less proficients in this fashionable dialect, than their superiors; and, as far as I can judge, are become so from similar motives.

  10. For this they gain great credit, and are supposed vast proficients because they have travelled.

  11. Christ and heaven are the books which we must be often reading; the glasses in which we must daily gaze, if ever we will be good proficients and practitioners in the art of holy love.

  12. I have Chambers in the Temple, and here are Students that learn upon the Hautboy; pray desire the Benchers that all Lawyers who are Proficients in Wind-Musick may lodge to the Thames.

  13. The elder Proficients employ themselves in inspecting mores hominum multorum, in getting acquainted with all the Signs and Windows in the Town.

  14. Several of these fooleries, which are so gross and absurd, as I myself am even ashamed to own, are practised and admired, not only by the vulgar, but by such proficients in religion as one might well expect should have more wit.

  15. Few understand the French or Italian languages, few are proficients in music, but they go because "it is the thing, you know.

  16. The city is a great school for studying human nature, and its people are proficients in the art of discerning character.

  17. The Lyric and Dramatic poets were all after the time of Homer, proficients in music, and in all probability contributed much to the perfection of that art in Greece.

  18. The proficients in this kind, by a well-timed laugh, will baffle the most solid argument.

  19. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "proficients" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.