The rudimentary first digit of the forefoot has disappeared, and the last premolar has gone over to the molar series.
Two of the premolar teeth are quite like the molars.
Deciduous premolar preceded by a minute molariform tooth, which remains in place until the animal is nearly full grown.
Perhaps, however, the most distinctive feature of the genus is the great fore-and-aft length of the penultimate premolar in both jaws.
The last premolar and the molars have quadrate crowns, provided with two strong transverse ridges, or with four obtuse cusps.
The genus agrees with Dorcopsis in the direction of the hair on the neck, but the muzzle is only partially hairy, and the elongation of the penultimate premolar is less.
As regards the teeth, canines are wanting, and the penultimate upper premolar is short, from before backwards, with a distinct ledge on the inner side.
The isolated lower premolar that is referred to the new species is as large as that of the holotype and has the enamel pattern of Heterogeomys.
The premolar teeth of the cynopitheci are greater in length than breadth; those of the anthropomorpha are broader than they are long; and the first molar has four protuberances in the former, five in the latter.
The New World monkeys, on the other hand, have an additional premolar in each half-jaw, or thirty-six teeth altogether.
Nycticejus, with the same dental formula as Scotophilus, is distinguished, by the first lower premolar not being crushed in between the adjoining teeth, and the comparatively greater size of the last upper molar.
The first premolar is not preserved, but its alveolus indicates that it was a single-rooted tooth, placed behind the canine after the intervention of a very short diastema.
The second premolar is bifanged; its crown is composed of a principal cusp, to which is added behind a small though very distinct second cusp.
The specimen is from a young individual in which the last premolar had just cut the gum.
As compared with the Raccoon, the second premolar is more complex in that it has two cusps instead of one.
In the third premolar the posterior cusp is much better developed, and placed more obliquely than in the corresponding tooth of Procyon; the heel is moreover not so broad.
The anterior one of the deciduous cheek teeth, both above and below, is single rooted and its crown-surface is only about one-fifteenth as much as that of the anterior premolar of the permanent dentition.
In the Cebidae there is an extra premolarin each jaw bringing the number up to 36.
The last milk premolar is not more complex than the premolarthat succeeds it.
The fourth upper premolar and first lower molar are differentiated as carnassial teeth (see p.
The premolar and molar teeth are usually dissimilar, the premolars being one-lobed and the molars two-lobed; the last lower molar of both the milk and permanent dentitions is almost always three-lobed.
Sometimes the anterior teeth are diphyodont, and as a general rule the tooth commonly regarded as the last premolar is preceded by a milk tooth.
The upper incisors, canines and first premolars of the Camel are very small teeth, and the first premolar is separated by a long diastema from the others.
The cranial cavity is very small; and the fourth upper premolar and first lower molar are not differentiated as carnassial teeth[134], as they are in modern Carnivora.
Deciduous first premolar (arrow), usually not present in deer, was found in specimen M-31.
A permanent first premolar (arrow) was discovered in M-8.
The first premolar in both Indicus and Sondaicus is a deciduous tooth, which is not usually replaced, and gradually drops out with age, but it may be retained till extreme old age.
The deciduous or milk teeth are the incisors, canines, and premolars; they drop out and are replaced, and behind the last premolar comes up the permanent molar.
There are many other points also, such as the fawns being spotted, some intestinal peculiarities, and the molar and premolar teeth being strictly cervine, which strengthen him in his opinion.
One premolarless in the lower jaw: Gazella euchore.
The third premolar is very large, and agrees with its upper one, excepting the lobule on the inner border.
Narrower aristiforms; narrower incisive foramen; lower premolar with three instead of four counterfolds; lower molars with two, instead of three, counterfolds.
In lower jaw, premolarwith three, and molars with only two, counterfolds.
Lower premolarwith four counterfolds or, sometimes (20 per cent of 15 specimens), with only three; lower molars with three counterfolds.
Central Plateau of South America, with three counterfolds in each upper molariform tooth, four counterfolds in the lower premolarand three counterfolds in the lower molars.
Lower premolar always with four, and molars with three, counterfolds.
There is but a single pair of incisors in each jaw; the canines are strong; the premolar and molar series seem to have been complete in the lower jaw, {192} but reduced by one premolar at least in the upper jaw.
The molars and the last premolar have four cusps; the last molar of the lower jaw has an additional fifth cusp as in Macacus, etc.
The molar formula is like that of Enhydris save that there is an extra premolar in the upper jaw.
There were at least two pairs of incisors in the upper jaw, together with powerful canines and the full premolar and molar formula.
Alactaga is much like Euchoreutes; it has five toes, a cylindrical tufted tail, the hairs at the end distichous, smooth incisors, and a premolar present in the upper jaw.
There is also evidence of a modification from the more primitive forms in the loss of one premolar or even more, in the alternating bones of the carpus, in the disappearance of the centrale, and in the loss of a toe upon the hind-foot.
It may also be comparable to the great premolar of such Multituberculata as Ptilodus and Plagiaulax.
The molars are always reduced, thepremolar being either absent in the lower jaw alone or in both jaws.
The small size of the canine and of the first premolar produces a diastema in the tooth series.
The premolar teeth are of a simpler form than the molars.
The genus Choeropotamus has a complete dental formula save for the loss of a premolarin the lower jaw.
The original material included a right ramus bearing the premolar and first two molars (the holotype) and five isolated premolars and molars.
Both of the lateral re-entrant folds of the premolar are deep vertically, and consequently would not disappear with occlusal wear.
As in other members of the tribe, the lower premolarhas a fourth enamel plate on the posterior surface of the posterior lophid.
If either the upper premolar or third molar is in place, generic identification could be made with reasonable certainty.
The permanent premolar was in the process of erupting, and the deciduous tooth was removed so that the unworn surface of p4 could be examined.
The two columns of the premolar and m3 are joined near their mid-points as in Dikkomys; therefore, they retain their primitive H-pattern, a feature unique to the Geomyinae.
The lower deciduous premolar would have formed essentially the same enamel pattern with wear as observed in Nerterogeomys [= Zygogeomys] cf.
The premolar is a double column united at the mid-point.
Of the molariform dentition only the lower premolar and first two lower molars are known.
The premolar also has an enamel plate on the anterior surface and another on the posterior surface, and in addition both re-entrant angles are protected by a V-shaped investment of enamel.
The re-entrant angle on one side of the premolar is as deep vertically as the angle on the other side of that tooth, and both reach the base of the crown; therefore, they do not disappear at any stage of attrition.
The third premolar is lacking from each side of both the upper and the lower jaws of each individual of this series from Alamos.
In the lower jaw the dentition is somewhat puzzling, as the canines are similar to the incisors and the first premolar is developed into a suitable mate for the upper canine.
The dentition of the Polecat, the Weasel, and the Stoat, is the same as that of the Marten, except that there are only three premolar teeth on each side of the jaws.
The minute first premolar in each jaw is frequently shed early, and may be missing from any adult skull examined.
The upper sectorial is the most posterior of the teeth which have predecessors, and is therefore reckoned as the last premolar (p.
The binturong (Arctictis binturong) has typically the same dental formula as the last, but the posterior upper molar and the first lowerpremolar are often absent.
The teeth are compressed and sharp-pointed, with a lobe on the inner side of the third, upper premolarnot present in the previous genera.
In two small species the feet are only slightly webbed; claws exceedingly small or altogether wanting on some of the toes; the first upper premolar very small, sometimes wanting; and the molars very broad and massive.
The first premolar in both jaws is extremely minute and often deciduous; while the upper molar is much larger than the sectorial, subquadrate, and as broad as long.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "premolar" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: bicuspid; canine; crown; cutter; fang; grinder; incisor; molar; peg; snag; tooth; tush; tusk