But I'd like to have one of them pomes printed in the Kicker--just to show the folks in this here country that there's a real pote in their midst.
He's a gr-reat pote is this here Hogan, an' a gr-reat fighter.
They ought to be a rule f'r th' polis to pinch annypote caught poting between th' hours iv twelve an' twelve.
Then, laughing: 'Berhaps, Mister Golley Cibbers, you may like to potethis to the vote?
At this place Potemet a soldier that had been with him on the schooner "Montague" when she was captured who told him how the Indians had abused him at his arrival.
Pote made seven canoes, and in these they proceeded down the Canaan river to Washademoak lake, thence up the St. John river to Aukpaque.
For example, on one occasion they caught some small fish, which Pote attempted to clean, but the Indians snatched them from him and boiled them "slime and blood and all together.
Castine toldPote that the Penobscot Indians were still at peace with the English and he believed would so continue for come time.
Pote thought it not prudent to contradict him, though he was confident there were several Penobscot Indians in the party that had captured the Boston schooners.
In his journal Pote terms him "Bonus Castine from Pernobsquett;" there can be little doubt that he was a descendant of Baron de St. Castin, already mentioned in these pages.
While he was at Medoctec one of the chiefs desired Pote to read a contract or treaty made about fourteen years before by his tribe with the Governor of Nova Scotia.
Unpleasant as was the reception of Pote and his fellow prisoners at Aukpaque they were fortunate in being allowed to escape with their lives.
The Indians told Pote they would shortly arrive at another Indian village and he asked, with some anxiety, if the Indians there would use them in the same manner as those at Aukpaque.
Go hunt up your Pote Tate if you want to know why the plug-hatters had a good claim.
Then hunt up the man that made the contracts--Pote Tate," advised the selectman.
You can be any kind of a pote you want to," said the selectman, promptly.
So fur as who strangers may be, you can ask Pote Consetena Tate, secretary, about that.
Glad to meet you," said the Pote cheerfully, extending a damp hand.
The Pote finished his dishwashing and joined us, pulling on an old Tuxedo jacket.
Jeremiah Pote became one of the principal merchants of the town, he owned and occupied one of the two principal wharves in that town previous to the Revolution.
He says if ye hear iv a pote who got on with his fam'ly, scratch him fr'm ye'er public lib'ry list.
Forchnitly th' pote was soon to be marcifully relieved.
The fragrance of the second line in this couplet is undefinable but potent: #o dyseros psyche pausai pote kai di' oneiron eidolois kalleus kopha chliainomene.
Mother tell Suke to pote him down stairs and too good for him, but father say no, he be a fine chap for sure and airneth his meat and drink, let alone all the poetry.
No tino, I'd pote un out of ouze if I was the waife of un.
Janever I delyvered my wyffe a pote of selver to pote in grene genger that the kenge gaffe.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pote" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.