Now, looking at those two features alone, should we say that a porpoise ought to be classed as a fish or as a mammal?
Now I have chosen the case of the whale and porpoise group because they offer so extreme an example of profound modification of structure in adaptation to changed conditions of life.
Three porpoise appeared off Short Beach and proved very companionable, for they stayed with the Adventurer for quite ten minutes.
Off Cape Porpoise the boats found rough seas and the crew of the Follow Me were secretly delighted to observe that the smaller craft made much easier going.
They had not lost their love for making queer voyages, and one of their greatest desires was to help the professor turn out a craft even more wonderful than the Electric Monarch, the Porpoise or the Flying Mermaid.
On it was a great whirlpool, into which thePorpoise was nearly sucked by a powerful current.
The porpoise in past times was prized as a delicacy, and placed on royal tables.
In 1491 it is recorded that a largeporpoise was sent from Yarmouth as a gift to the Earl of Oxford.
The Ichthyosaurus, from its form and strength, may have braved the waves of the sea as the porpoise does now.
I love to swish Like the porpoise fish Over the foamy wave.
Again the Unwise old head was cocked to one side to catch the answer but all the blue porpoise did was to wiggle his tail in the air, as he butted one of his brother porpoises in the stomach.
Maybe we'll have better luck with that deep bluePorpoise over there.
The Porpoise turned a complete somersault in the air and disappeared beneath the water.
A species of white porpoise is common in the seas about these islands.
The black bear could then converse with the cayman, and the whispers of the porpoise in the ears of the walruss and the flounder expressed the thoughts which were passing in his mind.
We collected a large bottle full from a single porpoise around its internal ear.
Now, looking to these two features alone, should we say that a porpoise ought to be classed as a fish or as a mammal?
Now I have chosen the case of the whale and porpoise group, because they offer so extreme an example of profound modification of structure in adaptation to changed conditions of life.
Say, it must be a big porpoise that's got stranded out there!
Now and then the porpoise would get stranded in the shallow water, and at such times Jimmy was put to his wits' ends to manage.
The rude balances were constructed as before, and after getting the porpoise ashore, it was duly weighed.
Half a dozen times he would creep out of his blankets to see if the porpoise was still where he had tied it, and lying in shallow water.
And it looks like it knocked the poor old porpoise out of the running," commented Herb.
Nick; "d'ye mean to tell me he expects to knock that poor porpoise on the head, just like they do steers at the stockyards; and then claim he caught him?
Even if your old porpoise does happen to be a little heavier than my splendid jewfish, don't you think for a minute I'm going to give up the ship.
Jack's words he expected that they all believed he had caught the biggest of sharks, one that would make that little porpoise of Jimmy's look like a baby.
And so the crabs had a chance to feast on the bulky object after all; though Jack declared that if they had had the time he would have liked to try and render the porpoise for its oil, just to say he had secured a supply that way.
The "White Rabbit" was going to Porpoise Island, and we set out again to Lanesport.
Soon after the Porpoise came in, and I joined my old craft, giving up my command of the captured slaver rather reluctantly.
Fortunately the wind continued to freshen and the Porpoise was doing wonderfully well.
It is small, with dark complexion, and goes through the high grass in a way that strongly suggests the diving of a porpoise at sea.
Unless I'm mistook, thatporpoise is going to play some game.
At the mouth of the pass we found Joshua himself waiting for us, clad in all his finery and chain armour, and looking more like a porpoise on horseback than he had ever done.
This little dumpling was very asthmatic, and used to blow like a porpoise by the time he reached the top of the stairs.
Now, my man, you were taken going through the Caicos Passage in the Porpoise by pirates, in August last--were you not?
If anything should happen, fling your arms round the nearest Porpoise and trust to luck.
The Porpoiseto which he had clung was fanning him with its fin, and imploring him, for its sake, to look up, to speak.
Didn't I tell you we'd make up for the lunch that great porpoise cheated us out of yesterday?
At 6 Lieutenant Murray returned on board, hoisted in our gig and gave the Porpoise three cheers, which was returned--made sail at half-past 6 P.
Porpoise and Mr. Murray went on board and waited on ye Commander of that vessel.
Commandant of the new establishment, as well as several other persons chosen by Governor King to accompany him, left Sydney early in June, while the Porpoise followed a few days later.
Porpoise and of the Lady Nelson to embark the first colonists and proceed with them to Tasmania.
Colonel Paterson applied for her immediately after the Porpoise sailed hence, manned her with hired seamen, and she has since continued in the employment of the Government for the use of these settlements.
As has been told Murray had formerly been Master's mate of the Porpoise and had accompanied Grant when he went for the second time to try and explore Governor King's Bay, and the Governor apparently thought him a capable officer.
Porpoise in March last, Commodore Bligh ordered her to be dismantled and laid up in ordinary in the King's Yard.