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Example sentences for "poncho"

Lexicographically close words:
pomposity; pompous; pompously; pomps; poms; ponchos; pond; ponded; ponder; pondera
  1. Chapa, without opening her eyes, and pulling the poncho over their heads, she resumed her slumbers.

  2. The girls had rolled her into her poncho and tied it up, and she was lying on the ground with her legs in the air when Nyoda first spied her.

  3. As the prince bent over to fit the slipper to her foot a perfect torrent rolled off his poncho into her lap and threatened to swamp the romance.

  4. When it came to the actual rolling Gladys had to take a hand herself, for it takes two to roll a poncho successfully.

  5. Nyoda had given them a demonstration of poncho rolling the week before so they all knew how.

  6. Good-natured Chapa folded her blankets so the poncho extended on all sides and spread her nightgown, towel, brush and comb and toothbrush crosswise so they would roll.

  7. At twenty-minute intervals the other pairs started, Nyoda going the rounds before she left to see who had left her things in the neatest order, and whose poncho looked the best.

  8. He takes off poncho and appears before her.

  9. A spirit lets a man take his poncho which makes him invisible.

  10. While the arriero was replying, the pallor of the traveller's countenance increased; a wild fire seemed to shoot from his eyes, and his hands clutched convulsively the poncho which covered his breast.

  11. He was a fine-looking man of gigantic size, with a poncho over his shoulders and a Spanish-looking sombrero on his head, but the most curious thing about him was his gait.

  12. His poncho is a veritable poncho, often of a bizarre and daring hue; his spurs are weapons that glitter in huge circles at his heels, while his horse furniture is frequently silvered to the very last degree.

  13. Yet even these proved by no means despicable in the hands of the men whose sole garment was the ragged remnant of a poncho tied about the waist, and who exercised with poles in preparation for the time when a musket should be in their hands.

  14. A vicuña poncho is as soft as velvet, and as durable as steel.

  15. The Argentine poncho is a great institution, and if some fashionable swell in New York would set the style by wearing one, it would add greatly to the comfort of our people, as well as to their convenience.

  16. The ladies wore blue-checked handkerchiefs on their heads and poncho skirts.

  17. Don Pablo again took from under his poncho the Spanish wool purse, and took from it a certain number of pieces of gold.

  18. Let us fight then," cried Mataseis, seizing his knife, and placing his poncho half rolled round his left arm for a shield.

  19. The young man raised his head, repressing a slight shiver, and wrapping himself in his poncho he looked around him.

  20. She tottered, and would have fallen in a faint, had not Veneda passed his arm beneath her poncho and sustained her.

  21. Tom, as he picked up his poncho and saddle and followed the man inside the house.

  22. The poncho serves the purpose of cloak and blanket.

  23. While they thus conversed the old trader spread his poncho over himself and was soon sound asleep; while the Indians, after finishing supper, held an animated conversation.

  24. At night the poncho is useful as a covering.

  25. A thick poncho of llama wool fell from their shoulders to their knees, and loosely tied round their necks were thick and brightly-coloured scarves.

  26. Wrapping himself in his poncho he lay down in the stern of the boat and slept soundly until morning.

  27. They wished each other good night without much hope of passing one, and then each, getting into his aerial resting-place, wrapped himself in his poncho and waited for sleep.

  28. But Glenarvan refused it, and remained stretched on his poncho in profound prostration.

  29. I remember that his poncho flapped in my face.

  30. The son of the gaucho then approached, rubbed with beef fat, water, and vinegar the bleeding wounds of the Indian--threw his poncho over his shoulders and then left him.

  31. In a few instants the dead man was despoiled; only the captain took care to place under the enemy's poncho his own pistols and knife.

  32. I shall spread my poncho and blanket on the ground presently.

  33. The poncho is a thin rubber, blanket-like affair.

  34. In the field the men usually spread the poncho on the ground, under their blankets.

  35. But in the middle of the poncho is a hole through which the head may be thrust, the poncho then falling over the trunk of the body like a rain coat.

  36. So placing the sombrero on my head, I pulled the poncho over my shoulders, and then we, in our turn, left the cartel.

  37. To that end I have brought this poncho and hat for you.

  38. To Denver was a hundred and fifty miles, and it took a team a month or more to go there and return via Poncho Pass.

  39. At Fort Garland, we were advised to return to Denver by the same route we had come, as the season was already advancing and nobody had come through by Poncho Pass since the previous spring.

  40. Returning next day from Culebra to Fort Garland, we proceeded thence subsequently up the Park to the Indian treaty on the Rio Grande; and from there via Homan's Park and Poncho Pass north to Fair Play in South Park.

  41. The serene and infinite content of a Mexican peon, as he sits thus wrapped in his poncho or serape, sucking his everlasting cigarrito, no American can imagine.

  42. Our general ride up the San Luis Park, and so through Homan's to Poncho Pass, was unique and perfect in its way.

  43. Following the banks of a diminutive brook, we descended gradually to Poncho Creek; and here our really bad road began.

  44. But as the pack-mules were not to be had, and we were all averse to returning over the old route, we resolved to push ahead by Poncho Pass, and get through the mountains that way, if possible.

  45. These, with more than necessary care, he hid away upon the highest shelf of the shop, while from the lower shelves he snatched a rubber poncho and a red kerchief.

  46. He pulled the kerchief from his face and threw the poncho over his arm.

  47. But what with Mame missing the poncho out of our shop and the wound in my hand I guessed they'd all soon suspect me.

  48. From his neck to his knees the poncho concealed his figure.

  49. When you went to hold up the stage you took a poncho and a kerchief.

  50. To do so you disguise yourself in a poncho and a red handkerchief, and you remove the army-stirrups from your stirrup-leathers.

  51. The man who robs the paymaster wears a poncho and a red kerchief, and he has no stirrups in his stirrup-leathers.

  52. Yesterday Mrs. Bolland bought a poncho for the colonel.

  53. I heard your plan, and I did follow you in the poncho and kerchief, meaning to hold up the stage first, and leave it to Crosby and Curtis to prove you did it.

  54. I shall put my poncho over me next, and my overcoat on that, and with the tent-wall looped up shall be practically outdoors.

  55. So we shall be on a hike basis from now on, and tonight I shall sleep in my clothes, with my blankets and poncho made up into a sleeping bag.

  56. Discovering that it was wetter below me than above, I hung my poncho at my hip, and when we flopped, fell on it.

  57. At the foot were folded the poncho and shelter half; then all the equipment was spread out.

  58. Lap over it the edges of the poncho and the shelter-half.

  59. To keep out the rain, I had laid my poncho on the windward side of the tent, buttoning it along the ridgepole; but it slapped a good deal of the time.

  60. The players sit down in a circle, with a poncho or saddle-cloth to represent the board of green cloth; their markers consist of pieces of sticks or grass, and their system of marking is complicated.

  61. We had previously on our road had good luck, but, as is often the custom, left the slain animals concealed in bushes, with a poncho or something over them.

  62. I may remark that the poncho is the usual cloak worn by all ranks, from the hidalgo to the poorest civilised Indian, differing only in material and texture.

  63. The poncho used by the gauchos is a thick woolen blanket of oblong shape, with a slit in the center so that it may fall over the wearer's shoulders.

  64. It is his winter coat, his raincoat, and his shield to boot, for in his dueling, to which he is much given, the gaucho fights with the knife in one hand and the poncho wrapped around the other hand and arm.

  65. Place one poncho on this, then one or two blankets on top of the poncho to sleep on, and use the remaining blankets as cover.

  66. This is not pleasant work, but the infantry suffered much worse than we did, many of them having nothing but a poncho along with them.

  67. My poncho was poor defense against such a storm, and I was thoroughly wetted.

  68. I got up, doubled up my poncho and found that I had escaped a very heavy shower.

  69. Their costume was a poncho on festive occasions, highly ornamented; while they wore leather boots.

  70. For most nights the ground is his bed and his saddle his pillow, a piece of hide or a poncho his only covering.

  71. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "poncho" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.