On horses, as yet, it's use is no more certain to effect a cure than a plaster cast.
A plaster cast is still the most widely used, and only in isolated cases is it successful.
In the meantime, Bill Arnold had been preparing the material for a plaster cast.
It's difficult to keep a plaster cast in place--if the break were above the knee it would be next to impossible.
This also was a plaster cast, of the whole of a female arm and shoulder, ending with a portion of the side of the neck and the entire breast--of its kind an exquisite specimen.
It was a plaster cast, taken from the life, of a female foot.
Accordingly, deeper narcosis was undertaken, and the leg fixed at a right angle in a plaster cast.
Another surgeon was now found to perform a tenotomy on the flexors of the leg and put the patient in a plaster cast to correct the flexion and immobilize in extension.
The most ridiculous thing was that this insatiable little monster attacked a plaster cast, and bored it full of holes also!
A plaster cast of the unskinned body of the dog was exhibited with the mounted specimen, to enable the observer to judge of the success of the process.
Plaster Cast of Imprint Made in Putty without Contact by the Medium Eusapia Paladino After page 76 Plate V.
It is much more common, however, to make a plaster mould, and from this a plaster cast.
The bust, or figure, or whatever the subject may be, is first modeled in clay or wax; from this model a plaster mould is made, and from this mould a plaster cast is taken.
A plaster cast is heavy, expensive and easily injured; but plaster gives an accurate copy of the original, retains permanently the form given it, and is easily finished and repaired.
Wax models of this and other relics, described by Mr Tylor as very inaccurate, are sold in Mexico; and a plaster cast, taken by Mr Bullock in 1823, was exhibited in London.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "plaster cast" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.