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Example sentences for "planed"

Lexicographically close words:
planation; planches; planchette; planctu; plane; planer; planers; planes; planet; planetarium
  1. The block will be cut out to this line and planed up as true as possible.

  2. If so, take it to a sawmill and have two boards 1-1/4 inches thick cut and then machine-planed down to a dead inch.

  3. When this is done the hull is turned upside down and the bottom of the stern planed off as illustrated.

  4. The sides of the boat are cut about 1/4 inch thick, but they are planed thinner in places where the bend is most pronounced.

  5. It is pointed at each end, and part of it is planed off to form the upper deck.

  6. After the glue is dry the blocks are placed in a vise and the top one or deck block is planed down as shown.

  7. This having been done, the corners are planed off carefully until the spar is octagonal in section, when it is easy to make it perfectly round with sandpaper by rubbing with the paper rolled around the stick.

  8. It is best if the entire stick is worked out from the bark side, but the wood may be planed straight at all parts except in the middle, where the greatest strain comes.

  9. These pieces can be easily planed without much loss of thickness.

  10. All the stock should be jointed, planed to width, and smoothed with sand-paper.

  11. The boards should then be taken out one by one and their edges should be carefully planed so that they will match together in the position in which they are laid.

  12. All the stock should be planed to size, scraped, and sand-papered with the exception of the base board for the pan, since that is hidden from view.

  13. This means that they should be planed and sand-papered preparatory to laying out the cutting dimensions.

  14. The slight projections in the surfaces of the board can be determined in this way and planed off until the two top edges of the sticks are found to be level.

  15. If it be single pieces of stock that need to be planed up, the natural twist or "wind" is first planed out to a flat working face on one side before putting the plane to the opposite side.

  16. Amid the opaque night around me I could see it plainly, quite new, with roughly planed boards.

  17. On both sides the roughly planed boards were stout and resistive.

  18. Page 61] A fine example of the same force is shown in the use of a pair of flat iron surfaces, planed by the celebrated Whitworth, of Manchester.

  19. All rock rotten has been planed away, and the ledges of sound rock to which the surface has been cut down have been rubbed smooth and scratched with long, straight, parallel lines.

  20. Some are little worn, even on their edges; some are planed and scored on one side only; while some in their long journey have been ground down to many facets and have lost much of their original bulk.

  21. Where the front of the ice has retreated the rock surface is seen to be planed and scored in places by the stones frozen fast in the sole of the glacier.

  22. Were they planed by graded or ungraded streams?

  23. I provided a trough of planed boards fourteen feet long, six inches wide, and six inches deep in the clear, filled with water within half an inch of the edge, to represent a canal.

  24. I, as a republican printer, always liked a form well planed down; being averse to those overbearing letters that hold their heads so high as to hinder their neighbours from appearing.

  25. If the trouble is in the valve and valve seat, you should take the valve out and have the seat planed down, and the valve fitted to the seat.

  26. Provision is usually made for taking up the wear; but if there is not, you can take off the guides and file them or have them planed off.

  27. That these may be made even more valuable to the architect and artisan, the right half of this planed surface will be carefully polished, and the left half left in the natural state.

  28. The board being planed smooth, the edge of the shadow could be seen much more distinctly upon it, than upon the ground; so Jonas was satisfied that it would be a great deal better to draw the hour lines upon the board.

  29. He planed out a board of the right length, and then put it down upon the ground, under and between the two stakes, but nearest to the upright one.

  30. I planed down part of the way, but the motor'd stopped working.

  31. The circular saw machine made by the same firm has its center part of iron, with grooves planed for gauges to slide in, which allows very fine and exact work to be done on the machine.

  32. Partition caps 2″ × 4″ to be planed in the above rooms.

  33. The studding of hall, parlor, and dining room to be planed and chamfered.

  34. The studs of hall, dining room, and parlor are exposed, and together with underboarding and beams overhead are planed and sand‐papered, and all woodwork is given two coats of shellac of light finish.

  35. Top 80 × 40 inches, centre part of iron with planed grooves on each side of saw for cutting off gauges to slide in.

  36. Another important point to remember is that the drawer sides must be true and squared to an exact length and planed up to thickness; otherwise the finished drawer will be in winding and out of truth.

  37. A temporary piece of wood is planed to a true mitre and placed underneath the dovetailed piece to form a template.

  38. The ends to be joined are planed up true and square and then rebated as shown.

  39. The timber is marked out in suitable lengths, rough-sawn and then planed true on the face, glued together, and when set the sides are cleaned up to the required shape.

  40. Pieces of straight-grained wood are wrought to a square section, after which the corners are planed away to form an octagonal section.

  41. The marking gauge is now set to the desired width, and gauge lines are marked on the wood, after which the waste wood is planed off until the timber is the required width.

  42. The method indicated at A shows one of the most satisfactory types, its boards being planed and moulded as shown.

  43. The back edges of the lid and the back edge of the lower portion of the box are planed away at an angle of 45 degrees as indicated by the dotted lines.

  44. The sharp corners are now planed away, and the roughly formed dowel is driven through a steel dowel plate, Fig.

  45. The legs are sawn and planed up true and square, and the advantage of the gauge is that all legs are marked exactly alike and are therefore interchangeable until glued up.

  46. To make the joint, the timber should be carefully planed to its exact width and thickness.

  47. Whatever type of framing has to be made, it is necessary that the face side of the wood be planed up straight and out of winding, and the face mark (as shown in Fig.

  48. The timber should be fairly accurately sawn or planed to the same thickness, and all edges should be square and true.

  49. These pieces are afterwards planed away, thus leaving a clear surface to the box sides.

  50. Two laths or strips of wood are planed up to exactly the same width, having their edges straight and parallel.

  51. They were planed smooth and sawed off to a length of 7 feet 6 inches.

  52. About 18 inches from the forward end the wood was planed down to a thickness of 1/4 of an inch.

  53. The upper face of the lintel was planed down perfectly smooth, and its edges were tapered off to make a track for the rollers on the door.

  54. These were made of a 2 x 4-inch scantling, sawed diagonally in two and then planed down to the given dimensions.

  55. The sides of the pieces must be planed true, the grooves cut and the tongues (of some hard wood) glued into the grooves with very thin glue.

  56. The block has now to be planed down to about 7/8 of an inch thickness, which is the height of type, scraped with a steel scraper until perfectly level and smooth and finished off with the finest sand or emery paper.

  57. If a fall took place it would probably be to the left hand, in which direction the rock is much planed away, and forms a steep and continuous slope almost to the foot of the Mickledoor Chimney.

  58. Samuel planed two boards and drove a nail.

  59. Abe went down to the out-door carpenter-shop in the grove, and planed a board just for the love of exertion.

  60. Frames are planed and slotted to gauges, and drilled to steel bushed templets.

  61. I’ll have a nice piece of oak, planed and rubbed with dog-fish skin.

  62. Having then planed all round the sides and bows, the log presented the appearance on the upper part of a well-formed canoe.

  63. He first carefully planed the upper surface, using a level, until he was satisfied that it was perfectly even.

  64. Having stripped off the bark, which he could not before get at, Dick, again using his level, planed it evenly, and then carefully marked out the part to which the keel was to be fixed.

  65. Cut each end across at right angles, and on each end, using the planed edges as basis, mark Fig.

  66. When they fit exactly, glue the planed side and the edges, and drive them to their positions, being careful not to split off the ends.

  67. Then, on the planed side, to the size and shape indicated, draw the whole of Fig.

  68. Plane one side and one edge at right angles, and draw on the planed side the diagram shown in Fig.

  69. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "planed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.