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Example sentences for "plain speaking"

  • But somehow or other there is truth in what my friend Terence says in his Andria: 'Compliance gets us friends, plain speaking hate.

  • But if a man's ears are so closed to plain speaking that he cannot bear to hear the truth from a friend, we may give him up in despair.

  • I always sat with my mother when there were matches at Clarendon," muttered Giles, who had learnt at least that it was of no use to complain of Smallbones' plain speaking.

  • Giles can be when thou hast cured him of his home-sickness by being good to him," said Ambrose, sorry for the youth in the universal laughter at the child's plain speaking.

  • You know I'm still a soldier, so far as plain speaking is concerned.

  • It is fortunate for him that his infirmity gives him this privilege of plain speaking," remarked the commander.

  • Mornand, trying hard to conceal the annoyance which his friend's plain speaking caused.

  • Mr. Jerome alone among American politicians has made a specialty of plain speaking.

  • It is Mr. Jerome's intellectual veracity, his somewhat conscious and strenuous ideal of plain speaking, which has been his personal contribution to the cause of reform; and he is right in believing it to be a very important contribution.

  • But somehow or other there is truth in what my friend Terence says in his Andria: Compliance gets us friends, plain speaking hate.

  • But if a man's ears are so closed to plain speaking that he cannot hear to hear the truth from a friend, we may give him up in despair.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "plain speaking" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    boil slowly; death compassed; documents relating; had tried; hard thing; heavy fire from the; high standard; married first; plain boiled; plain chant; plain clothes; plain knitting; plain speaking; plain terms; plain truth; plain view; plain water; plainly enough; plainly seen; plainly written; secret session; side door; single witness; summum bonum; then thought; wine and