Had not Mr. Morgan by buying art suggested the one aim of pioneering on a grand scale might not be life's sole end?
There were other objects in life beside pioneering the industrial opportunities of a whole continent just brought together into commercial unity.
But perhaps she might go further back; it was, relatively, not long since all Ontario was a wilderness, and she sprang from pioneering stock.
She sprang from a pioneering stock and knew that the shot she fired would break the daunting silence of the woods for good.
It looked as if the city man had engaged a gang of track-layers, who are used to pioneering and sometimes carry surveyors' stores through the wilds.
There is no doubt that the terrible strike troubles during the nineties and the early years of this century had their effect in working union men up to the radically pioneering pitch.
The writer realizes that the analogy between western political pioneering and labor-union or industrialist pioneering in that section must not be pushed too far.
The greatestpioneering work in coffee trading was done by the Netherlands East India Company, which began operations in 1602.
In their frontier condition the pioneering whites had often been reduced to the necessity of following the leadership of the versatile minister just as the Negroes were during the Reconstruction period.
Pioneering in this same field in 1792 was the famous "Uncle Jack," a full-blooded African, recognized by the whites as a forceful preacher of the gospel in the Baptist Church.
There were also the difficulties resulting from dealing with a backward pioneering people, the scarcity of workers, and the lack of funds to sustain those who volunteered for this service.
And if we have not inherited a memory of pioneering experiences, at least we possess inherited tendencies and desires.
Hakes as counselors, Macdonald taking up leadership in the northern Mexican Stakes, pioneering work of difficulty for which he was especially well suited.
The pioneering expedition was organized in St. George, in southwestern Utah.
New Mexican Locations As before noted in this work, the Mormon Church sought little in New Mexico in the pioneering days, for little opportunity existed for settlement in the agricultural valleys.
In similar wise, the pioneering of northern Arizona had its initiation in a hope of the Mormon Church for conversion of the Indians of the canyons and plains.
Vicissitudes of Pioneering Eden, first known as Curtis, lies on the northern side of the Gila, nine miles northwest of Pima.
Stewart 5--Heleman Pratt] Transformation Wrought at Camp Utah The newcomers found pioneering conditions very harsh indeed, for it is a full man's task to clear away mesquite and brush and to dig a deep canal.
Jones' Great Exploring Trip The honor of leading Mormon pioneering in south-central Arizona lies with Daniel W.
First, I wish you to get Pioneering in New Guinea, by J.
Henty is one of pioneering in the days of the early settlers in America, when the natives were troublesome, and who in this case rose up and nearly exterminated the white people.
Gross-Hoffinger was a pioneering precursor of Ellen Key.
The noble and pioneering work of the Drysdales has not yet been adequately recognized in their own country; an appreciative and well-informed article by Dr.
Slipher’s pioneering spectrographic work at the observatory, which showed that they were vast aggregations of stars of different spectral types, moving with great speed, and far beyond the limits of our universe.
Thanks to the pioneering leadership of all of you, we have the lowest violent crime rate in a quarter century and the cleanest environment in a quarter century.
No wonder that the pioneering social agencies, busy forging tools out of the very ore, took a rigid stand on such a question of social policy as this.
They were aspiring to conquer an inland empire of prairie and mountain and desert, impelled by the same pioneering and adventurous ardor which had burned in their seafaring sires.
His Grand Turk of three hundred tons was promptly fitted out for a pioneering voyage as far as the Cape of Good Hope.
It is highly encouraging to learn that a magnificent missionary work is being done among the Li-su, all the more gratifying because of the enormous difficulties which have already been overcome by the pioneering workers.
The movement only inaugurated a system of educational pioneering in the benighted South.
These salaries, the personal danger, the social ostracism and unhealthy climate, all lead one to feel, however, that the motive behind these pioneering efforts was strictly missionary.
Furthermore, native Americans and even old-time immigrants avoid hard pioneering work in the wilderness since they can find opportunities of lighter work and better returns elsewhere, on already established and "paying" farms.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pioneering" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.