Again his eyes bored piercingly into mine, and I felt as though all the man's mental faculties were ranged to assail me, but I guess I ran the gauntlet.
Rogers looked piercingly into my eyes and said: "There's the account, Lawson.
This long, sideways look happened to fall upon Lydia, and she turned cold before the profound unconsciousness of her existence in those eyes apparently fixed so piercingly upon her.
The strong wind was piercingly cold, and the atmosphere rather hazy, so that we did not stay long on the top of the mountain.
The root of a small scrubby plant served as fuel, but it made a miserable fire, and the wind was piercingly cold.
The king fixed his eye so piercingly upon the murmurers, that they felt his glance upon them, without daring to meet it.
The king was silent, and walked thoughtfully to and fro, with clouded brow, then remained standing before Pollnitz, and looked sharply and piercingly at him.
Meanwhile it soon became so piercingly cold, that, drenched as I was by the rain, I could keep my seat no longer.
He had staid out late fishing; it had rained torrents the whole day; it was piercingly cold, and without his whiskey-bottle he could not have held out any longer.
The sun disappeared beneath the horizon in a heavy squall of rain, the wind breezed up fiercely, and it was piercingly cold.
His face was very pale, but his eyes were steady and piercingly keen.
His attitude was openly threatening, but Carey's eyes were piercingly upon him, and, in spite of himself, he paused.
For a second he stares ahead of him piercingly into space, standing taut and rigid.
There are only three instruments, a drum, a violin and a piercingly shrill trumpet.
The leader had stared long and piercingly into his eyes and Hanlon, wondering and puzzled as to what the man was seeking, merely stared back dumbly.
The superintendent looked at him piercingly for a long moment, as though trying to decide whether this was genuine or subtle sarcasm.
By doing so, they are obliged to travel through France during a season when the weather is often piercingly chill, while they are exposed in crossing the Channel to the risk of encountering winter storms.
It is piercingly felt all over the south of France, even Mentone, at its extreme east point, not being wholly sheltered from its influence.
Long Jackson, by the door, hesitated and glared piercingly at the boss, who refrained from noticing.
His fierce red eyes, staring down fixedly into the flowing amber of the current, marked piercingly every fish that passed up and down.
The girl went on in a voice piercingly sweet, trembling with pity and pleading.
Allen, sitting so close behind them, was forced to overhear, so piercingly sweet was her voice.
But Frances Freeland, bending forward, fixed her eyes piercingly on Kirsteen's neck, as if she were noticing something there more important than that about tyranny!
Frances Freeland, who during Felix's long speech had almost closed her eyes, opened them, and looked piercingly at the top of his head.
And, as they stood about her, she gazedpiercingly at their heads.
She looked up to find his eyes piercingly upon her.
The stones glinted in the morning light, the diamonds white and intense, the emeralds piercingly green.
He turned his eyes straight upon her; they were piercingly green in the morning light.
He paused abruptly before her, and, eyes half-closed, stared piercingly into her face.
He bent nearer and looked herpiercingly in the eyes.
Then a blue-white, piercingly bright, ragged streak of lightning shot down out of the black cloud.
But, Ellen Jorth screamed piercingly and snatched her rifle from its resting place and, cocking it, she held it forward and low.
But at night, when the dew fell, it was piercingly cold and damp, even under their skin wraps and tent.
His eyes were dark and piercingly bright, while over them were thick black eyebrows.
I am happy to hear you say so: I have been fearfully, I must own, and even piercingly displeased with him.
Men and dogs in numbers he never approaches within gunshot, contenting himself by howling piercingly from mountains at a long distance.
But every time they wheeled beneath their lids piercingly towards him he closed his own, and feigned to be asleep.
She puffed out her feathers, raised her pointed bill, and piercingly into the shadows rang out her trembling voice again.
Below, with eyes grown accustomed to the darkness, she could discern figures running to and fro, and lanterns flashing, while shouts and cries rose piercingly above a continuous low undertone of moaning.
Slowly Rust sank back upon the pillow, his large luminous eyes piercingly fixed upon her, as if he would read her soul.
I could see masses of snow on some of the summits, from which a piercingly cold air came rushing down upon the plains.
The day was piercingly cold; the sun's rays were reflected from a crust of glittering snow.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "piercingly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: bitterly; keenly; sharply