He had only a thousand dollars, an' she put half of it on her back before three months, an' put three hundred into a pianny she couldn't play.
He says she fetched th' pianny two or three wallops that made Cassidy jump out iv his chair, an' Cassidy has charge iv th' steam whistle at th' quarry at that.
Thin he built a brick house in th' place iv th' little frame wan he had befure, an' moved in a pianny f'r his daughter.
Take that packin'-case out of sight, if you mean this pianny to be a surprise to Echo.
We got her to ride over toward Tucson this morning to get her out of the way so's to snake the pianny in without her seein' it.
Ain't there a plagued thing we can cover thepianny with?
Take a pianny an' enough Winchesters an' you can civilize the hull of China.
She wuz playin' on de pianny when de Yankee sojers come down de road.
Miss Marzee gits up fum de pianny en she low dat she ain' gwine play no tune for' no Yankee mens.
She couldn' play de pianny but she kinder hope maybe I could, but I never did learn how.
She use' to let me bump on her pianny and didn' say nothin'.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pianny" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.