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Example sentences for "phosphor"

Lexicographically close words:
phosphate; phosphates; phosphatic; phosphide; phosphine; phosphoresce; phosphorescence; phosphorescent; phosphoretted; phosphoric
  1. This test may be resorted to for the detection of silica in the case of silicates, which dissolve with difficulty in phosphor salt alone, or which do not give the pronounced 'skeleton' with that reagent.

  2. Chapman contests Plattner's opinion that, when silicates are fused with phosphor salt, the 'silica skeleton' that results is especially due to the presence of alkalies or earthy bases.

  3. Zinc or phosphor tin may be used in place of ordinary solder to tin the surfaces or to fill small holes or cracks.

  4. Phosphor bronze is used for very strong castings and bearings.

  5. Of these the two rings nearest to the piston head were of the ordinary cast-iron type, while the others were of phosphor bronze, so arranged as to take the side thrust of the piston.

  6. The aluminium should be melted first, then the zinc, tin, and phosphor tin in the order named.

  7. A pure copper welding rod may be employed for filling in, but it is not so effective as a welding rod made of phosphor copper.

  8. The ingot of phosphor tin formed is afterwards alloyed with the other ingredients, as already explained.

  9. When using phosphorus instead of phosphor tin in the making of aluminium solder, it will first be necessary to incorporate it with the tin, for which purpose take a length of 1-in.

  10. Many of the best solders for aluminium contain a small proportion of phosphor tin.

  11. Phosphor fires edged the keel; a trailing rope was revealed as a luminous streak.

  12. His vast green coil spreads out for leagues; where his great heart beats slow the waters boil; he lifts an eyelid, and the waves far, far above are lit with phosphor light.

  13. So, the phosphor coating gets hit with a strong electron beam, full of high voltage energy, and the phosphor glows, just for a few milliseconds.

  14. There is an electron beam that writes to the surface of the screen, the phosphor coated one.

  15. On the end of this tube~ and insulated from it, is a phosphor bronze spring which, when the plug is out, rests on the brass tube and keeps the circuit closed.

  16. The guide ring, made of phosphor bronze, has the heavy hole lined and burnished.

  17. You may know that phosphor bronze is the finest material for ship-building in the world, but the majority of 'em can't use it on account of the cost of the copper.

  18. Here and there a tree trunk stood like a ghost, splashed with a phosphor tunic.

  19. A fine glow had leapt through her body like wine, and the mere seemed to sway and sing as she swam for the main bank, where the willows stood blackly in a mist of phosphor glory.

  20. Igraine had hardly heard him, when a streak of phosphor light flickered among the trees, coming and going incessantly as the great trunks intervened.

  21. And this electrical ear was nothing more than a piece of sensitive galena crystal and a wire of phosphor bronze.

  22. Lee, all keyed up to hear something, adjusted the sharp little phosphor bronze wire on the detector until the point just touched the crystal.

  23. If this thing that Lee Renaud was building turned out right, when that phosphor bronze wire came in contact with the bit of crystal, the mysterious sound wave would become audible.

  24. Phosphor bronze contains copper and tin with a little phosphorus; it has this advantage over ordinary bronze, that it may be remelted without deteriorating in quality.

  25. The action of this valve is the same as that of an india-rubber valve, but a thin sheet of metal (phosphor bronze) takes the place of the india-rubber.

  26. All the parts are of brass except the valve proper, which is of phosphor bronze.

  27. A meteor falls, and foam beneath me breaks; Dim phosphor fires within it faintly die.

  28. As the thing died, the phosphor glow faded from its lashing tentacles.

  29. Half-decayed, it made a little phosphor glowing in the dark and its long teeth flashed as he played a beam of light over it.

  30. I prepared phosphor paste and laid a trail of this loathsome condiment upon the path trodden every afternoon by my rat.

  31. Presently, if I continue to prove worthy of his condescension, my rat will eat phosphor paste out of my hand.

  32. The phosphor paste, like arsenic, has added brightness to his eye and brought a beautiful lustre to his smooth brown coat.

  33. Hesper and Phosphor are simply the one planet Venus, which according to its position with the sun, becomes the morning or evening star.

  34. Sheila stood outlined in the doorway against the dim glow of a phosphor bulb.

  35. They went through and out into the waste and slums beyond the domes, heading out until there were only the few phosphor bulbs to guide their way.

  36. A wheezing chuckle answered him, and a phosphor bulb glowed weakly, shedding some light on a filthy hall.

  37. At the front of each building, a dim phosphor bulb glowed; when darkness fell, they would have nothing else to see by.

  38. The physical precedes the moral, as Phosphor precedes the Sun.

  39. By thee inspired, his tube the Tuscan plies, And sends new colonies to stock the skies, Gives Jove his satellites, and first adorns Effulgent Phosphor with his silver horns.

  40. The cutter head is made of a solid mild centre steel forging, and runs in phosphor bronze journals, in which it has about 1/8 inch end play, which tends to distribute the oil along the bearing.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "phosphor" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    firefly; fluorescence; glowworm; luminescence; phosphor; phosphorescence; wisp

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    phosphoric acid; phosphoric acid and potash