Phonology of x and xi:# References to piece xi are marked b.
Sidenote: Phonology] The above are the main distinguishing features of the phonology of the dialects as taken in groups, but no such list can adequately represent the range of pronunciation in the dialects taken individually.
To turn now from phonology to accidence, we shall find that here, too, system and rule prevail to a surprising extent.
We can best compare the phonology of the dialects with that of the standard language by examining the vowels and consonants categorically, and noting some of the differences in development.
Any student of the phonology of early modern Japanese should turn to the far more reliable work of Father Rodriguez.
The Phonology is followed by an Accidence, which discusses the peculiarities of dialect grammar.
The fulness of the Vocabulary in the Dictionary, and the minuteness of the account of the phonology and accidence in the Grammar, leave nothing to desire.
While Sudanese Negro in phonology and perhaps in most of its word roots, it is Hamitic in its grammatical features and pronouns.
Hottentot dialects, while the phonology of the language is reminiscent of Bushmen in its nasals and gutturals" (H.
Henebry, A Contribution to the Phonology of Desi Irish (Greifswald, 1901).
Quiggin under the title of A Dialect of Donegal, Phonology and Texts (Cambridge, 1906).
In phonology there are also very striking differences, apart from the treatment of the labialized velar qv already mentioned.
But these differences, consisting presumably in matters of phonologyand vocabulary, were nowhere so pronounced as to exclude a mutual understanding of individuals belonging to different tribes.
Grierson's essays "On thePhonology of the Modern Indo-Aryan Vernaculars" in the Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenlandischen Gesellschaft, vols.
This summary account of the chief points in Latin phonology may serve as an introduction to its principles, and give some insight into the phonetic character of the language.