Perhaps it was partly the result of the perversions which, judging by her knowledge of them, had been practiced by others on her.
It now appears thatperversions began between this man and John some two months ago, never before that.
Then she performed different perversions on boys and men.
In this way arose numerous interpretations of Christian teaching and perversions of that teaching, some not at all in harmony with the generally received tradition.
These discordant interpretations or perversions are the heretical movements of the second century.
Analysis of extreme cases of masochistic perversions show that there is a coöperation of a large series of factors which exaggerate and fix the original passive sexual attitude (castration complex, conscience).
This therefore supplies the factors which allow us to bring the perversions into relation with the normal sexual life, and which are available also for their classification.
The individual impulse, however, on account of its intensity, is independent of the development of the others, but the study of the positive perversionsgives us the accurate counterpart to it.
But we must also remember that the assumed constitution which shows the roots of all perversions will be demonstrable only in the child, though all impulses can be manifested in it only in moderate intensity.
We have furthermore remarked that some of the examined perversions can be comprehended only by assuming the union of many motives.
Nevertheless, the quality of the new sexual aim in some of these perversions is such as to require special notice.
Hence the positiveperversions are also accessible to psychoanalytic therapy.
Perhaps it is precisely in the most abominable perversions that we must recognize the most prolific psychic participation for the transformation of the sexual impulse.
The perfect concurrence with the behavior of the corresponding positiveperversions is certainly very noteworthy.
Such garbled and mutilated, unsexed and unsoured versions and perversions like Lane's were felt to be survivals of the unfittest.
Indeed, these colonies of mutilated beings, hidden in the depths of Siberia, give one a feeling as of some monstrous and unfamiliar growth, and present one of the most puzzling aspects of the religious perversions of the present age.
They are indeed a valuable contribution to the study of the perversions of religious faith--that most alluring and yet least explored section of psychology.
The diverse and imperfectly developed ideas of the supreme Being which prevail among men are best accounted for as misinterpretations and perversions of an intuitive conviction common to all.
Nor can we regard the perversions and caricatures of religion as meriting our fellowship.
But I tell you that it is not natural, it is simply one of the perversions of pecuniary sex.
No marvel, that awkwardperversions of the forms of utterance and the principles of grammar should follow such interpretation.
This is the more strange, because many of its errors are mereperversions of what was accurately pointed by an other hand.
The perversions of Scripture I have just mentioned will be so scrupulously avoided, that an apposite and pious quotation will be termed puritanical; and we shall seldom hear the sacred volume referred to but to point a jest.
Penta has also independently developed the conception of the biological basis of sadism and other sexual perversions (I Pervertimenti Sessuali, 1893).
Other associated perversions were Narcissism and nates fetichism, as well as homosexual phantasies.
It must be added that these definitions are very incomplete if by "sadism" we are to understand the special sexual perversions which are displayed in De Sade's novels.
It is an instance that enables us to realize how even the most terrible and repugnant sexual perversions are still demonstrably linked on to phenomena that are fundamentally normal.
Those who possess a special knowledge of such matters declare that sexual flagellation is the most frequent of all sexual perversions in England.
Thus, the aberrations or perversions of the degenerate find explanation.
Those who talk in this manner do not even suspect that there are purely mental perversions which are quite as much a mental disease as the impulsions of the ‘impulsivists.
In both perversions these acts form a progression from purely symbolic events to grievous misdeeds.
But we must not let these perversions of sacerdotalism rob us of good words.
The ignorance and superstition of the people and the perversions of the religious sentiment, innate in man, have been the stock in trade of the craft in all ages, and are to-day.
A slight examination will show prevailing perversions with regard to the origin and history of this clause.
As the reader will already have noticed, such perversions are extremely common, but it is a mistake to try to account for obvious nicknames in this way.
English and in continental languages makes it certain that the contrary is the case and that many surnames of obscure origin are perversions of this very large and popular class.
The intrusive sound may be a vowel or a consonant, as in the names Henery, Hendry, perversions of Henry.
Some writers have attempted to explain all apparent nicknames as popular perversions of surnames belonging to the other three classes.
We should rather expect special attention to be given to Sunday and Friday, and, in fact, Sonntag and Freytag are by far the most usual in German, while Dimanche and its perversions are common in France, and Vendredi also occurs.
Against the assertions of Mendelssohn as to the purity of Judaism, he brought forward the calumnies and perversions of his brother in feeling, Eisenmenger.
The Israelites were severed from the Semitic tribes by hard discipline, and they weaned themselves from the perversions of their alien kinsmen.
To set on foot a thorough-going persecution, Franciscus of Sardinia, a venomous Capuchin monk, was brought from Beyrout, being well known for his ability to give an appearance of truth to perversions and falsehoods.
Even those who possess the necessary ability and leisure to acquire European culture are kept back by the perversions of Neo-Chassidism, which possesses many followers amongst them.
Every sentence in this seemingly earnest but bitingly satirical epistle was a dagger-thrust against the old perversions and their defenders.
Had they been born Christians, and brought up in the atmosphere of red-tapeism, neither of them would have developed as rescuing powers, which with laughing mien helped to banish deeply-rooted perversions and absurdities.
They broke through all the restraints of religion, and propagated the wildestperversions of Hegel's opinions.
The perversions and errors of science, and not science itself, are at enmity with revelation.
THE line has not been clearly drawn, either in general or by individuals, between true civilization and the various perversions of the civilizing process.
All the repulsive and terrible manifestations of these perversions which have been recorded, can easily be shown to fit my theory.
Doubtless many men have almost lost the psychical roots of their perversionsand are completely involved in physical acts.
I allude to perversionswhich are not inherently pathological, although they are as a rule only observed and described in their pathological form.
Perversions like these are almost worse than vices, for vices, though they mar the life, may leave the moral judgment its integrity.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "perversions" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.