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Example sentences for "periodic time"

  • The Third Law of Kepler gives the relation between the periodic time of a planet, and its distance from the sun.

  • Of course, we now know not only what the connection between the planet's distance and the planet's periodic time actually is, but we also know that it is a necessary consequence of the law of universal gravitation.

  • It is possible, from the shape of its orbit, that it has a periodic time of nine thousand years, or that it may have a parabolic orbit, and never return.

  • There are certain things that are easy to determine, such as size, density, periodic time, velocity, etc.

  • This was a comet with a periodic time of six years and eight months.

  • Thus the earth's periodic time is one year, and that of the planet Jupiter about twelve years.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "periodic time" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    air and water pollution; betook ourselves; black walnut; civil life; escaped from; general secretary; her sex; innocent woman; like processes; mon brave; open the; other officer; other universities; periodic cyclones; periodic droughts; periodic time; periodical literature; public expense; quite near; reveals itself; shall gain what many men desire; shall glorify; stirring occasionally; taken together; thine hands