He causeth the night to succeed the day, and he causeth the day to succeed the night; and he obligeth the sun and the moon to perform their services: each of them runneth an appointed course.
It is GOD who hath raised the heavens without visible pillars; and then ascended his throne, and compelled the sun and the moon to perform their services; every of the heavenly bodies runneth an appointed course.
In the meantime they continued to perform their functions, and even commenced a prosecution against the bishop of Orleans, whom they summoned to attend their tribunal.
The principal disadvantages consisted in, first, banishing the precious metals, by substituting another medium to perform their office.
Perhaps they might be persecuted; but it was still requisite for members to perform their duty.
It is to me that Brahmanas conversant with the Vedas perform their Sacrifices.
As regards those that are poor, the dust of a cow's hoof and the water in which a cow's tail and horns have been washed, are quite sufficient to enable them to perform their sacrifices.
They used to perform their ablutions on every sacred day.
Everybody stood in terror of them; Custom officers were so frightened that they hardly dared to perform their duties, and the magistrates themselves were equally frightened to convict smugglers.
The Inspecting Commanders were to perform their journeys on horseback and to proceed as much as possible by the sea-coast, so as to become well acquainted with the places where the smugglers resort.
Towards evening, nine men of the band of the buffalo bulls came to the fort to perform their dance, discharging their guns immediately on entering.
At noon there was a concourse of Indians in the fort: the woman's band of the white buffalo cow came to perform their dance.
Gregory immediately, in the most imperious fashion, summoned the Lombards to perform their duty.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "perform their" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.