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Example sentences for "candour"

Lexicographically close words:
candlestick; candlesticks; candlewood; candling; candor; candy; candytuft; cane; canebrake; canebrakes
  1. Everyone surely should have the candour and courage to put his signature after his opinions.

  2. He officiates in the absence of the Master of the Horse, is Brother to Henry de Bruhl Minister of the Cabinet, and resembles him in Candour and Integrity.

  3. The Count is of a good Stature, has a noble and modest Air, and a Candour in his Conversation and his Action, which is very engaging.

  4. Candour is no doubt a virtue, and Clarendon deserves honour for his bold words.

  5. Barouffski tried to smile but the unconcealed candour of her abhorrence made his lips twitch.

  6. The Christian laws another lesson teach:-- Unto the end shall Charity endure, 310 And Candour hide those faults it cannot cure.

  7. Candour and Reason still take Virtue's part; We love e'en foibles in so good a heart.

  8. By candour more inclined to save, than damn, A generous Public made me what I am.

  9. When Justice bids me on, shall I delay Because insipid Candour bars my way?

  10. Most rank ill-nature must applaud thy art, But even Candour must condemn thy heart.

  11. His action's always strong, but sometimes such, That candour must declare he acts too much.

  12. It is this variety, joined to the simplicity and candour of the confessions, which constitutes the charm of this very remarkable autobiography.

  13. He was eminently endowed with that candour which is characteristic of great minds, and which induces them to rejoice as well in the detection of their own errors, as in the discovery of truth.

  14. There were, besides, other sources of unpopularity, which we are bound in fairness and candour to impute to the excellencies, rather than to the defects, of his character.

  15. There is a candour in this statement which we cannot but admire.

  16. Sir John is perhaps the only man who ever accompanied a dismissal with eulogy, and the result of his candour will probably prevent its imitation.

  17. It secured perpetual renown to Bass, whose name it bears: this was given by Governor Hunter at the recommendation of Flinders, whose candour is always conspicuous in awarding the palm of discovery to those to whom it is due!

  18. Nobody who hadn't lived exclusively in this hard environment could have written with such candour and intensity.

  19. This Pechorin is an officer in the Caucasus, who analyses his own character, and lays bare his weaknesses, follies and faults with extreme candour and frankness.

  20. Marmaduke's candour took the words out of his mouth.

  21. The pressure of feeling was too great and candour seethed over the top.

  22. Yet it seemed to him Jeff did deserve candour at all their hands.

  23. Jeff looked at her with a perfectly open candour and such a force of persuasion in his asking eyes that she believed he was bringing his personal charm to influence her, and shook her head at him despairingly.

  24. What she herself knew, they too must have learned; out of this believing candour she spoke.

  25. Malone and Steevens were two laborious commentators on the meaning of words and phrases; one dull, the other clever; but the dullness was accompanied by candour and a love of truth, the cleverness by a total absence of both.

  26. Dupin was followed a few years afterwards by one not his superior in learning and candour (though deficient in neither), but in skill of narration and beauty of style, Claude Fleury.

  27. He was the next thing to her own son, but not quite the same, and she half repented of her candour to Mrs. Evelyn, and wished that the keen, sensitive face and soldierly figure could be there to reassert their influence.

  28. Yes, there is a very pleasant air of innocent candour about their faces—-" "Just what it does a man good to look at.

  29. In these points it is no breach of candour to affirm, since the public voice has awarded the sentence, that Dr.

  30. Warton praises Pope for practising the precept in correcting the poems of Wycherley, and condemned Wycherley for ungenerously resenting the candour of his critic.

  31. The candour and manliness are charming, but it must not be overlooked that the magnanimity diminishes as the mental capacity increases.

  32. In the Prologue to the Satires, he represents himself to have been a perfect model of candour and amiability, and says of the objections of his correctors, If wrong I smiled; if right I kissed the rod.

  33. Well might our poet's last wish be to commit his writings to the candour of a sensible and reflecting judge, rather than to the malice of every short-sighted and malevolent critic.

  34. Warburton, in his discreditable note, has not the candour to allude to the real ground of his rancour against Jackson and Waterland.

  35. No question can be more innocently discussed than a dead poet’s pretensions to renown; and little regard is due to that bigotry which sets candour higher than truth.

  36. It is true; yet even in that case candour obliges me to confess that the best men are most disposed to conform, and most likely to become the dupes of their own virtue.

  37. Even Pope is said to have let his partiality get the better of his usual justice and candour when he claimed that Shakespeare was not to be judged by what were called the rules of Aristotle.

  38. Yet, nothing could have induced me to make you this present of my poor endeavours, were I not encouraged by that candour and native goodness which is so bright a part in your lordship's character.

  39. He had, in fact, neither the kind of knowledge nor the candour that could fit him to handle the problems raised.

  40. Powell is certainly entitled to censure those recent writers who have wilfully kept up a mystification as to Spinoza's religiosity; but their lack of courage or candour does not justify an imputation of the same kind upon him.

  41. Lardner's candour is as uncommon as his learning; and Priestley [901] and Evanson have a solvent virtue.

  42. To candour he never attains, unless it be in the sense that his passion recoils on his own case.

  43. Dorner) has set a fine example of historical candour by admitting the obligations of his country to a much-disliked form of English heterodoxy.

  44. We're in the same boat"--and the Prince smiled with a candour that added an accent to his emphasis.

  45. Which struck me as also," she wound up, "a lovely note for the candour of the Ververs.

  46. He took an unfair advantage of your candour and your timidity; and all that you said ought not to bind you; since it was extorted from you by him who had no right to make such conditions.

  47. That were to be indeed unreasonable, and to act very inconsistently with your natural candour and humanity.

  48. The Marquis, tho' extremely hurt, had yet candour enough to own, that if I was convinced that the causes of complaint which his son had against you were ill founded, I had done well in removing them.

  49. For Edwin the boy with his shocking candour had suddenly precipitated out of the atmosphere, as it were, the collective nervousness of the household, made it into a phenomenon visible, tangible, oppressive.

  50. All Hilda's demeanour admitted that George Cannon had never been allowed to know that he had a son; and the simple candour of the admission frightened Edwin by its very simplicity.

  51. He was now shocked as much by the girl's outrageous candour as by the indisputable revelation that she went hungry for praise.

  52. Nothing but good-will and candour was required to produce this bliss.

  53. In fact, he says, with great candour and courage, that the early Bible conception of God is one which we cannot now accept.

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "candour" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.