Tired of inaction, they were peppering his bee-hive to stir him up in case he was fast asleep inside.
If only they would go on peppering the bee-hive for another minute or two, he would have time to slip down the Sark side of his rock and get to the great wall, and so down into his new hiding-place.
Our fellows are over the Kei already, peppering the niggers like two o'clock.
The remainder were spread out in skirmishing line on either side, the irregular rattle of their fire showing that they were still busy peppering the enemy in sight.
I hated the red demons, and made no bones of peppering the blasted sarpents whenever I got a sight at them.
We got a peppering from a lot of guns that banged away at us at their ease from the top of a blasted hill that we had also abandoned that morning, why, no one has ever been able to tell.
They came out of their trenches about a dozen at a time, formed two long lines, and literally seemed to walk over into the trench, though we were peppering at them all the time.
While I was doing that, a shell burst right over us, making a horrible noise and peppering the air with pieces of shrapnel.
I knew that the darkness had become as light as daytime and that the German fire was peppering us, and that the best thing to do was to get out of it as rapidly as I could.
We had, however, the brig peppering away at us on our larboard quarter, while the cutter and gunboats, some of which were astern and others on the starboard quarter, kept up a hot fire at us all the time.
As we went about our starboard broadside was not idle, and we kept peppering away at the brigs and the two ships ahead of us.
He talked of peppering his people as I would talk of peppering a capon.
They kept peppering away at us as we proceeded, and now and then one of my men was hit; one poor fellow was killed, three were wounded.
Long after they must have lost sight of us the flash of their muskets showed that they were still peppering away in the direction in which they supposed we had gone.
To this the only return that could be made was a persistent pepperingwith the ancient Martinis, a peppering which was carried on for several hours.
A puff of wind, a lift and fall and drift of sand, the wind met them in a peppering shower of hot shot.
The character of the brig was soon shown, for no sooner did her crew see that they were pursued than they began peppering away at the gig, while a gun was run out at a port on her quarter, which opened a fire of round and grape-shot.
Off went the guns, and the small-arm men began peppering away till the whole fort was in a cloud of smoke.
We've plenty of ammunition, and perhaps a peppering with small-shot will scare the blackguards away.
Now, Mark, I think I'll give our friends their first peppering with them.
If we could but get her within range of our guns, there would be some satisfaction in peppering at her," said Jemmy Duff, who, with several of his messmates had gone on the forecastle to have a better view of the chase.
Owing to the rain that had been peppering down the whole night and even now had not quite ceased, the fields and roads were in a fearful state of dirt and mud, which tended to retard our progress greatly as well as to tire us.
The ship circled slowly round and round, peppering death on the solar plexus of the British Empire.
Except for a peppering on the walls and some broken glass the house was not damaged; we almost laughed at the father and mother and daughter who, returning while we were there, wept because their home had been touched.
In an instant up came Ross’s guns, and commenced peppering them at the distance of not more than three hundred yards.
The enemy discovering this, beganpeppering away at us with musketry, and fired several round-shot into the bargain.
We were enveloped in forest, but we could hear, from ahead, everybody pepperingaway at everybody.
Incidentally the launch of the "Marblehead," commanded by one of our headlong American ensigns, streaked for the strategic woods like a galloping marine dragoon, peppering away with its blunderbuss in the bow.
Off on another ridge we could see Lucas' men and the Cubans peppering away into a valley.
They, in no way daunted, returned it with their long brass guns and gingals, peppering us very hotly.
At that moment, a number of men with firearms rushed out from among the trees and rocks, and began peppering away at us.
Yet they were the very Boches who, an hour before, had been peppering us with those bullets.
But for this trench we would all have been wiped out; the bullets were peppering the parapet.
A little farther on we encountered in another small by-track that took away to the left, three others, evidently part of the gang who had been peppering us from beneath the covert of the bushes.