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Example sentences for "partlie"

Lexicographically close words:
partitive; partium; partizan; partizans; partizanship; partly; partner; partners; partnership; partnerships
  1. After this, the said constable brought the people neere adioining vnder subiection, partlie moued by the example of the cheefe and head citie of all the countrie, and partlie induced therevnto by bribes and large gifts.

  2. Heerevnto were annexed certeine articles by way of instructions, of what points they should inquire, as partlie aboue is noted out of the addition to Matthew West.

  3. In this yeare the king tooke order for the amending of his monie and coine, which in that season was fowlie clipped, washed and counterfeited by those naughtie men the Iewes, and other, as before you haue partlie heard.

  4. It is partlie made an Iland by the Conwey, and partlie by the sea.

  5. Malcolme to enioy the earledome of Huntington, which king Stephan had giuen vnto his father earle Henrie, sonne to king Dauid, as before is partlie touched.

  6. In the meane time the grudge still increased betwixt king Henrie and Philip the French king, partlie for one cause, and partlie for an other, [Sidenote: Out of the annales of France written by Nicoll Gallis.

  7. This Roderike pretended to be the chéefe king of Ireland, and therefore kept continuall war with the other rulers, which was partlie the cause wherefore they submitted themselues so soone vnto king Henrie.

  8. This was the end of Edrike, surnamed de Stratten or Streona, a man of great infamie for his craftie dissimulation, falshood and treason, vsed by him to the ouerthrow of the English estate, as partlie before is touched.

  9. But what meanes he vsed to make his best of benefices and spirituall liuings, partlie appeareth before.

  10. This end had William de la Poole duke of Suffolke, as men iudge by Gods prouidence; for that he had procured the death of that good duke of Glocester, as before is partlie touched.

  11. Therefore sith he could not otherwise doo, but partlie to content his owne people, and cheefelie to satisfie the request of the whole generall councell, was in manner compelled for his part to growe vnto a peace and amitie with king Charles.

  12. After the earle of Arundell had obteined so good successe in his enterprises (as partlie ye haue heard) he attempted another, which was the last worke and finall labour of his liuing daies.

  13. But in the French kings dooings was no inforcing of men, either to forsake the one or the other: wherfore the proceedings of the king of England seemed somewhat more iniurious, and partlie sounded to the breach of the truce.

  14. There came moreouer such a filthie sauour and stinke withall, that partlie for feare, and partlie for that they might not abide the sauour, they voided the church, falling on heapes one vpon another, as they sought to get out of the same.

  15. The Eastangles and the Northumbers in these dales were vnder subiection of the Danes, as partlie may be perceiued by that which [Sidenote: Guthrun K.

  16. The expensses to be lyfted partlie of the people, and partlie of the teindis, at the consideratioun of the Ministerie.

  17. Howbeit whether she were professed, or veiled onelie, loth she was to consent at the first (as partlie ye haue heard) but after that she was coupled with the king in mariage, she prooued a right obedient wife.

  18. And this was thought to be partlie the cause of the malice that he conceiued against the duke of Orleance, supposing that through him (enuieng his glorie) he was thus disappointed of his purpose.

  19. Here is to be remembred, that as partlie before is expressed, we find [Sidenote: Matt.

  20. For as it is euident by writers of good credit, he came first ouer into Britaine with the said Aulus Plautius, and serued verie valiantlie vnder him, as before in place we haue partlie touched.

  21. This doone, the emperor returned homewards, to passe into Germanie; and the king partlie to shew him honor, and partlie bicause of his owne affaires, associated him to his towne of Calis.

  22. Tullie writeth, that partlie by tokens, and partlie by surmises, they would foretell things to come.

  23. The armie which king John had left behind him in the south parts, vnder the leading of the earle of Salisburie and other, laie not idle, but scowring the countries abroad (as partlie yee haue heard) came to S.

  24. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "partlie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.