On this occasion she broke the shelves and panelling in the pantry, in presence of the minister, Magnus, and others.
On that evening on which the funeral party came home, while the folk at Froda were sitting round the fires, they saw a half-moon appear on the panelling of the hall, and it was visible to all those who were present.
On the evening of the 20th there were great disturbances, panelling and doors being broken down in various rooms.
She was the {178} stronger, but he gave way warily; and they broke all that was before them, as well as the panelling of the room.
Higgins said he had gone all over the panelling with a yellowish-white paper, and after that was dry, he pasted over it the more expensive rolls.
But even that came away from the oak panelling as easily as though it hung there from habit, and not because of paste.
Nobody's fault--an electric light wire heated, and not being properly cased charred some of the panelling which finally caught alight.
Her graceful head and white throat showed up against the dark panelling of the wall.
The space between the top of the panelling and the cornice was hung with dark blue silk-damask, narrow diagonal lines of yellow crossing the background of the raised pattern.
The stranger passed from one thing to another, admiring the panelling and discanting thereon.
Throw in a deep old-fashioned fireplace and some oak panelling and there--you've got your Christmas number at once.
There is great freedom about the play of the strap-work and figures surrounding the cartouches, and if it be compared with the panelling in the same room (Plate XLIII.
There is a large amount of good panelling also left, and the chimney-pieces are unrivalled in any house of the time for their beauty and variety.
On entering the hall after leaving the courtyard, it was on such panelling as this that the eye rested.
The octagonal body of the pulpit consists of plain moulded panelling without ornament; the bookboard forms a cornice, which is slightly enriched with dentils and carving.
The tendency of all change in workmanship being towards the saving of thought and care on the part of the great body of workers, the next steps in the development of panelling were in this direction.
Doorway and Panelling in the Gallery at the Vyne, near Basingstoke J.
At Sizergh the door is merely a portion of the panelling on hinges, the porch in which it is hung gives it the requisite importance; but as a rule the doorways were surrounded with a large amount of decoration.
Elizabethan, if not Jacobean, while the panelling in the dining-room, which is dated 1545, is mitred.
The circular panels containing heads became a favourite feature in English panelling about the end of Henry VIII.
In previous examples the wood panelling was carried quite up to the ceiling; here it stops short by a foot or more, and the space thus left is occupied by a modelled plaster frieze which leads up to the ornamental ceiling.
Above the panelling were placed twelve owls in carved and silvered wood, each one about two feet high, supporting gas-standards.
Rose-coloured silk was stretched from the panelling up to the heavy frieze, consisting of "swags" of fruit and foliage modelled in high relief, and brilliantly coloured in their natural hues.
In the rooms above, kept with reverence by the bronze-maker who occupies them, admirable panelling and carvings are found.
All the seats are of oak and modern, but against the walls is some good linen-fold panelling of the seventeenth century or very late sixteenth century.
On the opposite side of the street, and directly facing Long Entry, there is "Tudor House," a large old house possessing much fine oak panelling and carving.
The Jacobean library in this house has the same black oak effect for panelling and at the windows, hang long, red silk curtains, with deep borders of gold on which are painted gay flowers.
Very interesting panellingeffects may be obtained by tacking on strips of the same thickness as the outside cleats.
Twenty-four of these joints can be dispensed with by panelling the sides in place of the lattice work.
Of interior decoration there was nothing save a broad and simple panelling upon the walls, and the great pillars were mere round monoliths without either bases or capitals.
In the panelling of doors, English taste, except when it closely followed Italian precedents, was not always good.
It must not be supposed that because painting, panelling and tapestry are the noblest forms of wall-decoration, they are necessarily the most unattainable.
With the introduction of the orders into domestic architecture and the treatment of interior walls with dado and cornice, the panelling of the wall-space between those two members began to assume definite proportions.
As he put the candle on a bracket, where the dark old panelling almost served as an extinguisher for it, he bethought himself of going up to tell the invalid that he would not be absent five minutes.
And we must get an old house, for the sake of the panelling and the staircase; and we must pull it all to pieces on account of the drains.
It was a low narrow door, of plain oak, without panellingor ornamentation of any kind.
Below the transom dividing triforium from clerestory is a row ofpanelling divided by the mullions of the triforium, which, as in the nave, are merely a continuation of the mullions of the clerestory.
There is alsopanelling of the same character on each side of the vaulting shafts between the windows.
In the north transept it is covered with plaster; in the south this has been removed by Mr Street, and oak panelling inserted.
These perhaps were never meant to contain figures, and are more like panellingthan niches.
Above these canopies is a row of panellingwith the plaster angels of Bernasconi above it, at the beginning of the cornice.
He has, therefore, spun his tracery and panelling over the whole surface.
The decoration, with its monotonous rows of panelling and niches, shows the poverty of invention often characteristic of Perpendicular architects, and is sometimes positively ugly.
The last storey consists of plain panelling ornamented at intervals by gables.
The aisle windows have ogee gables above them with finials, and immediately above them a band of panelling running right across the exterior buttresses.
On the fourth side where the panelling divided the room from a serving-room, once part of it, it rose to the ceiling.
The panelling is linen--pattern of the fifteenth century--you see the folds?
Bruges, and in the old rooms of the Louvre in Paris, carved panelling of the utmost grace and perfection, some of it in groups of life-sized portrait figures, may be studied by the tourist.
Jackson and Graham, for instance, several benches were shown to me occupied by lengths of wall-panelling in ebony, some of the work being intended to cover the wall of a staircase; it was therefore framed in sloping lines.
Very thin slices are arranged geometrically in large patterns, and fastened with glue on staircase and passage walls, or made into dado panelling to the room, in this case capped by mouldings.
Panelling and fireplaces are, however, opportunities for the display of carving, inlaying, and gilding.
Flurry was silently, and with a perturbed countenance, examining the room; rapping at the panelling and peering up the cavernous chimney; I heard him sniff as he did so.
The picture hung in the place of honour in the long narrow gallery at the Manor Moat, with trophies of Flodden and Zutphen arranged against the blackened oak panelling above it.
She was not impulsive, and her face remained almost as cold in its clear whiteness as the panelling behind it, but her heart beat a little faster than usual, and she was trying somewhat unsuccessfully to analyze her sensations.
Alice Deringham leaned back in a corner, a very dainty picture in her clinging furs, with the ivory whiteness of the panelling behind her.
There is a good deal of oak panelling and plaster enrichment about the interior, restored by Mr. Kennette, who in the course of his renovations found an interesting wall fresco.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "panelling" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.