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Example sentences for "palmistry"

Lexicographically close words:
palmettoes; palmettos; palmiest; palming; palmist; palmitic; palmitin; palmito; palmleaf; palmo
  1. By means of this book the hitherto occult mystery of Palmistry is made simple and easy, and the whole Art may be acquired without difficulty or delay.

  2. Dick's Mysteries of the Hand; or, Palmistry made Easy.

  3. It is emphatically Palmistry in a nutshell, and by its use, character and disposition can be discerned and probable future destiny foretold with surprising accuracy.

  4. The palmistry profession is a flourishing one at present, eh, Mr. Valma?

  5. Other Professors have stooped to it, but I--oh, no, it is playing palmistry a little bit too low down.

  6. All this palmistry business was entirely on your account.

  7. As a matter of fact, however, fortune-telling, astrology, and palmistry have become so fully incorporated with the everyday life of all large communities as to excite very little comment from the common run of us.

  8. The disciples of palmistry now claim for it something like what was earlier claimed for phrenology and physiognomy.

  9. Palmistry is the name now given to fortune-telling by means of the hand alone.

  10. Every one knows that palmistry openly thrives in all large communities as a means of livelihood.

  11. Astrology, phrenology, physiognomy and palmistry have in common a search for knowledge whereby to regulate the affairs of life, to foretell the future, to comprehend one's destiny and capabilities.

  12. Palmistry seems too absurd to be discussed, but it is another half-way house.

  13. A superstition akin to palmistry is onymancy, or divination by the finger-nails, which is still a widespread object of belief.

  14. Palmistry is one of their most productive avocations.

  15. I am talking as if palmistry was a daily study with me, but that is not so.

  16. Here, while his canting drone-pipe scanned The mystic figures of her hand, He tipples palmistry and dines On all her fortune-telling lines.

  17. What is so clearly represented in astrology appears to a less extent in other pseudo-scientific systems; notably in palmistry and phrenology.

  18. There was in this world nothing so impudent as a gypsy when determined to tell a fortune; and the idea of not one, but many gypsy girls believing earnestly in my palmistry was like a righteous retribution.

  19. So, with a full knowledge of the legal penalties attached in England to palmistry and other conjuration, and with the then pending Slade case knocking heavily on my conscience, I proceeded to examine and predict.

  20. The study of Palmistry is a most interesting and entertaining subject to those who make it a study and to those to whom it may be told.

  21. There's a little more to palmistry than that, I think--an instinctive feeling for character.

  22. You're as much interested in palmistry as he is in the spooks, aren't you?

  23. He had conceived the plan of writing a book on palmistry along new lines, in which he might embody his observations and theories.

  24. I had no idea palmistry was so pathological.

  25. At this rate palmistry won't be popular any more.

  26. I dare say you know enough of palmistry to see that for yourself.

  27. I confessed that my actual practice in palmistry had been of a merely passive kind--the prompt extension of my palm to any one who would be so good as to "read" it and truckle for a few minutes to my egoism.

  28. I was filling them in while we talked about palmistry in general, and while I was waiting for the moment when the story would come in most effectively.

  29. Illustration: “Adroit the line of palmistry to trace.

  30. Oh, by the way, a week before I came away from school a fellow who had been studying up palmistry looked at my hands and told me I'm going to die a violent death by a bullet or the explosion of a shell.

  31. You forget, too, that the fellow at school who knew all about palmistry told me he was sure I was not going to get killed till I was close on sixty.

  32. She says that she is going to give a 'Palmistry Evening' soon, whatever that may be, and tell our fortunes.

  33. Miss Hill has no right to class all believers in palmistry with mountebanks and gypsies, and she certainly betrays her ignorance of a noble science when she mixes it up with clairvoyance and common fortune-telling.

  34. She has slept scarcely any since our palmistry evening, but I did not discover the fact until last night.

  35. I have put off answering it until I could tell you about our palmistry evening which Elsie gave us last night.

  36. This is also demonstrated by the position and shape of the Mounts on the Hand, and, as far as I know, has never been published in any book dealing with Palmistry before.

  37. This part of Palmistry is now recognised by the majority of medical men, who seldom fail quietly to observe the appearance of the nails on a patient's hand.

  38. In it, the rules of Palmistry that I have given in the following pages are borne out in all their details.

  39. Palmistry is the very foundation stone of prestidigitation.

  40. Palmistry in all its branches explained, as well as stage illusions.

  41. Of late years he has made the fatal mistake of exposing the methods of palmistry to the audience, thereby offending one of the cardinal principles of the art of legerdemain--never explain tricks, however simple, to the spectators.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "palmistry" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.