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Example sentences for "overmatch"

Lexicographically close words:
overman; overmantel; overmaster; overmastered; overmastering; overmatched; overmuch; overnight; overo; overpaid
  1. In political skill he was an overmatch for Diocletian, and his military successes were unequalled since the triumph of Aurelian.

  2. With a little prudence, such a force as he had gathered round the walls of Hadrianople was an overmatch for any hordes of barbarians.

  3. They will even attack and master that formidable fighter the moose, springing at it from an ambush as it passes--for a bull moose would surely be an overmatch for one of them if fronted fairly in the open.

  4. No place Fitter than the abode and vicinage Of your late overmatch in controversy To make first theatre of the exploits You aim at in this different field--field where, With odds so in your favor, you should win.

  5. In Sparta, the Ephori, the annual representatives of the people, were found an overmatch for the senate for life, continually gained on its authority and finally drew all power into their own hands.

  6. The late king of Prussia was more than once pitted against his imperial sovereign; and commonly proved an overmatch for him.

  7. The veteran legions of Rome were an overmatch for the undisciplined valor of all other nations and rendered her the mistress of the world.

  8. I have already observed, on occasion of the commodore's disputes with the Chinese, that the Centurion alone was an overmatch for all the naval power of that empire.

  9. And after that, they were reared and carefully trained up till they were swift and active on sea and land; so that they were an overmatch for all the young people of their own age in every game and in every accomplishment.

  10. For," he said, "no strength or cunning of men can compass his death; magic alone can overmatch him.

  11. No answer to the question, "How shall sickly sentimentalities solace your shame if in the blood of your mulatto grandchild the vigorous red jungle corpuscles of some savage ancestor shall overmatch your more gentle endowment.

  12. Lord Gough's artillery was in excellent order, and an overmatch for that of the enemy.

  13. This force was an overmatch for the barbarians, repelled their invasion, touted them in every engagement, and having chased them into their ancient limits, returned in triumph to the defence of the southern provinces of the empire.

  14. Though the French Army was much an Overmatch for the Onondagas, both in Number of Men and in their Arms, the Onondagas were not so far dispirited, as not to follow them in their Return.

  15. It was put as a question for me to answer, and so put as if it were difficult for me to answer, whether I deemed the member from Missouri an overmatch for myself in debate here.

  16. But the crow is so cunning as to be able to overmatch man's superior strength.

  17. Man had to contend, not with wild animals, whose teeth and claws he might evade, nor with wild men whose weapons he could overmatch with his own, but with Nature in what seemed always a hostile and unrelenting mood.

  18. And in ordinary cases the eight remaining American gun-vessels would certainly seem to be an overmatch for the two British schooners, but it is just here that the difficulty of comparing the forces comes in.

  19. Hull would not have committed either error, and would, for the matter of that, have been an overmatch for either commander.

  20. In fact, the three heavy American vessels ought to have been an overmatch for the four heaviest of the British squadron, although these possessed the nominal superiority.

  21. And there can be no doubt that the Chesapeake, unprepared though she was, would have been an overmatch for the Guerrière, Macedonian, or Java.

  22. I rejoined; "you cannot give Walsh fair play; you are an overmatch for five Walshes.

  23. The lecturer replied, and in glibness and fluency would have been greatly an overmatch for the worthy captain; but a storm of hisses backed the old veteran, and the critic gave way.

  24. But as the art of gunnery advanced, the battering train was found to be an overmatch for the strongest fortresses that had yet been constructed, and a new system of fortification came gradually into use.

  25. He certainly would be an overmatch for me, I knew, should I try to stand up to him, but that was not my intention.

  26. Bred to the rifle and the frontier, they were an overmatch for the Indians in their own mode of warfare; and, interested in the peace of the country, they soon succeeded in obtaining it.

  27. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "overmatch" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    deck; floor; outclass; outdo; outreach; outrun; outshine; outstrip; outwit; overcome; overmaster; overpower; override; overset; overthrow; overturn; silence; surmount; trip; upset