From where she stood she had a full view of the outwork likely to be the first object of the assault.
In the outwork was a sally-port corresponding to the postern of the castle, and the whole was surrounded by a strong palisade.
In the outwork was a sallyport [Footnote: A sallyport is an underground passage from the outer to the inner fortifications.
They readily agreed that the point of greatest danger was that opposite to the outwork of which the assailants had possessed themselves.
The castle moat divided this species of barbican [Footnote: A barbican is a tower or outwork built to defend the entry to a castle or fortification.
The instant the attack begins and the attention of those in the outwork is called that way, draw up the portcullis noiselessly and open the gate, oil the hinges of the drawbridge and have everything in readiness; then I will join you.
As Marjory had anticipated, the English in the outwork had gathered on the farther side and were watching the sudden outbreak in the camp.
Not a soul was met with by the way, and leaving Andrew Macpherson with fifty men to hold the outwork until Archie should return and decide whether it should be occupied, Marjory, with the rest, re-entered the castle.
This outwork is the barbican--the first of the long series of obstacles awaiting the foe.
It seems also to be clear that the Boley Hill was included as an outwork in Bishop Gundulf's plan, for the castle ditch is cut through the Roman wall near the south gate of the city.
This Circle appears to have covered a considerable space, and was farther protected by an outwork in front covering an area of one thousand square feet.
In the outwork was a sallyport corresponding to the postern of the castle, and the whole was surrounded by a strong palisade.
The outwork mounted three small guns, and a few others were divided between the usual square flanking defences of a Chinese wall.
An outwork composed of two demibastions joined by a curtain.
An outwork in the main ditch, in front of the curtain, between two bastions.
A low outwork before a bastion or ravelin, consisting of two lines of rampart parallel to the faces of the bastion, and protecting them from a breaching fire.
A kind of light bridge, used in sieges, for surprising a post oroutwork which has but a narrow moat; a flying bridge.
Outwork entrenched itself in individual homes before Italians and immigrant Russians had settled into districts, and the only available out-workers were the wives of Irish and German workingmen in Carrick and Lower St. Clair.
The Chinese had made attempts to strengthen this important post, as an outwork to impede the advance of our forces upon Canton in that direction.
Crawford volunteered his services to capture a small outwork upon a hill, very near the beach; and it was here that the British flag was first displayed upon the enemy's works, on that day, with three cheers from the steamers.
And, for the same reason, they are ready to think that the citadel is lost when the outwork is taken; to suppose, e.
These crumbling halls, the shrine of Shivabai, and the outwork at the extreme north point of the hill are the only remains directly connected with Maratha supremacy.
Another smaller outwork was formed on the south side of the original great southern trench, both of the last named being crossed by bridges.
The barbican, oroutwork of the fortification, was situated beyond the outer ditch, if it ever existed.
It is not made on an outwork here, or an outwork there; it encircles the whole compass of the defence.
Two of them, with twenty men, remained in theoutwork beyond the drawbridge.
As he spoke there was a sudden movement on the part of the assailants, who, leaving the foot of the towers, made a rush at the outwork in the centre.
There is a drawbridge defended by an outwork of palisades six feet high.
It was characteristic of the period in which he lived that something like a miniature factory system was establishing itself in the midst of the new outwork system.
There was plenty of time for this, the labour that would have been bestowed upon the outwork being utilised here in strengthening the keep, as Uncle Jeff called it, and making it as secure as it was possible to be.
The next outwork to be disposed of was the Convention redoubt, and this gave a good deal of trouble.
A counterguard is a more extensive work, constructed in front of a part of the fortress itself, or of some other outwork of greater importance, which it is intended to cover.
A coverport is a small outwork of any convenient form, erected immediately in front of a gateway, to screen it from the enemy's fire.
In a bastioned front the principal outwork is the demi-lune, which is placed in front of the curtain; it serves to cover the main entrance to the work, and to place the adjacent bastions in strong re-enterings.
Along the western wall runs the bank of a plain, elevated a number of feet above the level of the work, upon the very brow of which is situated an outwork (A) eighty feet wide by two hundred and eighty in length.
As this outwork is in cultivated grounds, it has been so much obliterated as to escape ordinary observation, and is now traceable with difficulty.