We be Lepchas of Darjiling, but me they call an outlander because my hair is as thou seest.
Class for class, the outlanderhas more energy, greater sapience and a truer zest of intellect than the citizen at the capital.
By the outlander is not meant, however, the mere suburban or rural inhabitant, but the dweller at the outpost of civilization, the picket on the edge of the world.
To no man among my people had I thus opened out my secret heart, but thou art an outlander and therefore I speak without shame, knowing all I have to offer and how hard it had been thee to ask.
He'd see theOutlander early-bird after the young domestic worm," was the slow reply.
He was no longer the stalwart Outlander who had done such great work in South Africa and had such power in political London and in international finance.
He'd see the Outlander early-bird after the young domestic worm.
That he plotted to secure the betrayal of the Baas' country and the Outlander interest, while he would have given his life for the Baas, was but the twisted sense of a perverted soul.
We be Lepchas of Darjeeling, but me they call an outlander because my hair is as thou seest.
Firstly, he is an outlander and no man of mine own people.
With all his haughty pride, Olvir was quick to realize the honor paid him, stranger and outlander as he was, by such an introduction into the bosom of the Frank king's family.
If he gave assurance of safety, why need an outlander doubt?
The outlander was fleet of foot; he must run swiftly if he would overtake him.
These are my terms: Give Thrala to me to dwell in my chamber and the outlander to provide sport for my captains.
Therefore I ask that you decree for him the fate of that outlander of the second calling who rebelled against the summoning.
Let the outlandercome hither that he may see the work of the Black Ones.
Out of his own mouth has this outlander condemned himself.
Dweller in the Light, andOutlander who has fulfilled the promise of Thran.
For the space of one sleep I shall enter the Chamber of Renewing with this outlander, who is no longer an outlander but one, Garin, accepted by the Daughter according to the Law.
More than ever he was the outlander with no true roots in Tav.
In Texas the Americans first went in to settle and become citizens, making an Outlander population.
For, as he explained in an audible aside to the ticket-agent, this sahib was an outlander and, being as ignorant as most sahibs, could not understand Hindi.
Amused, the despised outlander picked up his luggage and followed amiably.