These would give him and his chums much pleasure during their winter meetings, when the events of past outings were being discussed.
School was out, the Glorious Fourth was but a memory, and the boys were trying to make suitable plans for spending their vacation in various little outings of a character to suit their love for the open.
Then, two or three times during the latter part of the summer, I found that she had managed to join outings of ours.
She went with him upon the little outings which they had taken together, and of which I learned for the first time from her fever-crazed lips.
I cannot be too thankful to God for this the most enjoyable of all travels or outings I have ever had during a somewhat chequered career.
Perhaps one of the most pleasant outings I had when at Dunbar was my visit to the beautiful loch of Pressmannan.
It distributes charities, conducts a Noonday Rest, outings in the country, and devotes itself to doing good.
The lure of the open woods had a great attraction for them, and on previous outings every one had enjoyed such glorious times that now all felt as though they were missing a grand treat.
Up to this time their outings had taken place in a more genial period of the year, and not a few witnessed their departure with feelings of uneasiness.
As the weather had now become very pleasant for canoeing, several very delightful outings were arranged by Mr and Mrs Ross for the young folks.
The first few miles of the route were on the ice over places well-known to all, as in their frequent outings they had gone in this direction.
Small brothers and sisters (and tired mothers) who may | | need outings or special help?
I thought to write of little outings I take might amuse them, but wanted to write just as I took the little trips, while the impressions were fresh; that is why I have not sent them before now.
In order to avoid these complications, exercise and outings are absolutely essential for the mother.
In all these merrymakings and outings Lucy was the central figure.
Although he was most considerate of her feelings and always deferred to her, she felt that any opposition on her part to their outings would have made no difference to either one of them.
And yet Jane did nothing to prevent the meetings andoutings of the young couple, even after Maria's and Max's departure.
Do not let this convey the idea that the time was all spent indoors, at some employment or other, for never were outingsso frequently enjoyed.
But on one of these outings his negro master ordered him to go back and do a job of work for him; the other quoted his official permission; there was a wrangle, ending in an appeal to a higher official still.
Arrange outings for needy mothers, and children, crippled and unfortunate boys.
The result was several summer outings for Miss Martha, and she never knew that she owed them to the man with whom she had just missed spending her life.
Do you suppose I haven't appreciated how often you and Edna have added her to the outings you've had together, theatres, and concerts, and all that business?
The outings of my young girlhood were confined to this family circle.
In the jollity of theseoutings the governor did not forget to visit the public institutions, prisons, reform schools, insane asylums, etc.
Few are those among us whose outings cover a lifetime; and when the happy days of freedom come to us, let books be kept behind, and with untrammeled eyes and ears let us drink in the knowledge that comes to us at no other time.
He liked theatres, outings into the country on a Sunday, and tobacco, but he did not care for much else, except writing and music.
The Sunday outings were a small item; for a shilling or two he could get a return ticket to some place far enough out of town to give him a good walk and a thorough change for the day.
That it has been a boon to many is without doubt, and the City is the better for the many outings which are now available for the Saturday afternoon holiday.
Excursions by societies, Sunday schools, national and benevolent bodies were sought out and encouraged to devote their energies to providing outings for their associations and friends.
During my outings with the dark, short, curly haired snake hunters, we caught striped keelbacks, ratsnakes and also black scorpions.
These outings were long, hot and tiring but I found them nonetheless enjoyable.
There followed one of the most enjoyable outings of my life.
My outings from my beaten track have been brief, but have contributed a large stock of happy memories.
And there are a score or more of other Oregon outings as delightful.
Their home life was often touched upon, as well as previous outings in which they had taken part.
She invariably asked her to stay, proposing little outings and other things of that sort until Carrie began neglecting her dinner hours.
And she--she had scarcely enough pin money to indulge in such outings as this a few times a month.
Honor is a harder master than the law Humor should take its outings in grave company I hope his uncle's funeral will be a failure!
She kept it up largely because she regarded heroutings as imperatively necessary to maintain her health, while aimless outings bored her.
She took her outings for their own sake, not merely to feel herself transported rapidly from somewhere to anywhere.
She left him alone with Lucy in Eaton Terrace, and though she had to go with them on the outings she asserted herself so little that he forgot she was there.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "outings" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.